Latex Allergy

Anyone know if oranges have any connection to laytex sensitivity?

Not oranges but kiwi fruit is related. Those with a sensitivity to one are generally sensitive to the other.
Some of the nitriles are powdered. For the same reason latex are, to supposedly keep them from sticking, and thereby making them easier to get on when your hands are hot and sweaty.

AHH that's a huge pet peeve of mine, trying to put on another pair of gloves (even my fire gloves!)'s so hard and I look foolish, trying to blow into the glove to help slide in
I too, have a latex sensitivity.

Always thought my hands were red and itchy after wearing latex gloves cause I left em on too long.

The flip of the switch was after I was, uh, gloving up for an intimate time with a girlfriend.

That sure killed the mood. :rolleyes:
Durex Avanti is the best thing out there as far as I can tell. But they've discontinued it to "vamp it up" somehow. If they screwed it up, there will be hell to pay...

While the focus has been latex gloves, how many have thought about other items that we use that may contain latex? I know coban has been mentioned. There are a lot of adhesives such as in bandaids that contain latex. Sometimes it is the packaging that uses latex.
We have latex gloves (and non latex,but not primary), but virtually everything else is latex-free. IV Tubing, O2 masks (NC & NRB), etc
I developed an allergy to latex after only 2 years. It started out as urticaria and now when I come into contact for a few minutes, it's all out anaphylaxis. I don't think there are any relations with food allergies though. Any foods are ok.