Just checking in...


Former EMT...
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As you know I havent been around the EMS forums as of late. Ive been battling another round of depression lately and everything has just seemed to pile up. Im not getting any job offers, even after filling out application after application and turning them in. Its gotten so bad that here lately I start daydreaming about the unthinkable.

I have pretty much given up on EMS as I have not had any luck with it whatsoever. I feel that I just wasted $1,000 and 5 months of my time on something that will never happen.

Ive done everything short of burning my EMT cards and certificates. Simply put I feel incredibly worthless as a human being.

Im in a bad situation as I am unemployed with no income its hard for me to ask for help as I am just another bottomfeeder.

Myself and my life are a chaotic mess right now and they need sorting out otherwise Im driven to self-extinction.

Sorry to ramble on, but just thought Id check in.

Capt, I'm sorry things are so hard for you. You know I'm just now getting my job and I finished my EMT class in Dec of 04. In some areas it is very hard for people to get jobs in EMS and sometimes there's a good reason we don't get things we want and just aren't supposed to know why yet. Don't be so hard on yourself hon, you are caring, smart, funny, have a wonderful personality and are a damn knowledgeable EMT. All of us here care for you a great deal.

Things will work out, you just need to give it more time, and try to be more positive, things can't change if your in a rut and depressed. We have to make the changes we want and it's hard to see through a dark cloud.

If you want to talk more pm me, email me, call me, whatever, I'm here for you. We're all here for you.
Cap't - Things always work out... just keep trying!
I have problems with depression too. Not that, that matters much. I am so sorry that things are going badly for you right now. Heres a hug for you ------>> ((((( Captain Panic )))))

If you ever want to talk, let me know. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.
Hey CP... I know you from "the other site" as well.... I hate to see you stop adding input to this site. Keep your chin up... look for work elsewhere, and when you least expect it things will work out for you in EMS.... I always say that I NEVER get offered jobs unless I just started a new job....it's kind of like the boyfriend thing.. no one asks you out, until you start dating a new guy... I call it "Newton's law of improbabilities"... :lol:

You need to move to where the jobs are. Aren't you within reach of St. Louis, Houston or Dallas? Do your research as to services, make a road trip, get in front of the person that does the hiring.