Just checking: do you know of anyone who works in EMS and homeschools?

Sorry. I just feel this needs to be said.

Evolutionary Biology is science and creationism/intelligent design is a religious belief. I just can't keep my mouth shut.
Sorry. I just feel this needs to be said.

Evolutionary Biology is science and creationism/intelligent design is a religious belief. I just can't keep my mouth shut.

I don't believe that either are the complete story. They are certainly not mutually exclusive.

I can't keep my mouth shut either, but how about we leave this topic for another thread?
I don't believe that either are the complete story. They are certainly not mutually exclusive.

I can't keep my mouth shut either, but how about we leave this topic for another thread?

We can have another thread.
Keep this one on topic please

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I was homeschooled up until high school. Where we live now we are very fortunate to have great schools. I am very involved with my daughter's schooling and her teachers. When she gets home we go over all of her school work ( keep in mind she's only 5). I started teaching her (and me lol) Spanish last year and she uses Spanish some days more often than she uses English. I started teaching her about bones this year. Her favorite word at the moment is phalanges. I don't know if I'd homeschool her, but we definitely devote time each day for learning, whether it's a really cool youtube video about science or animals, or practicing her math and reading, or the Discovery channel. By the way Shark Week starts July 31st!! We started watching that last year and she's super excited about it this year (I may be too....just a little)
I was homeschooled all throughout grade school and high school. It's pretty cool to see that a lot of people here were too.
I was homeschooled from third grade to completion and would not have it any other way. I will homeschool my kids when they come along. homeschooling is not as hard as it appears. Mom incorperated family farm stuff into the curriculum and made it fun most of the time.
I did dislike math and language to the point of calling it the psychological torture session.^_^ But loves science, and most of the other topics. Can't remember them all at the moment.

hope that counts:cool: