John Stossel on Canadian Healthcare

23 hours waiting in the ER to be admitted? WOW. I guess Canada isn't the perfect paradise everyone thought it was.
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When ever I've gone to the ER to see a doctor I've never ever have had to wait to see the doctor. Here in Canada the various provinces and territories have set up fee schedules for physicians they can only charge the health system what the government has set forth in their fee schedule. Also health care in Canada costs varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some provinces charge premiums for service while some don't.
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This is going back about 10 years ago, but my roomate was from Canada(don't recall where). We were discussing primary care physicians. He said that they were capped on how much they could charge per pt, so it was in their best interest($$$) to shuttle as many pts through as possible to maximize profits. Thorough, individual attention was lacking(time is money). Is this accurate? For both private practice/ER care?