

Forum Crew Member
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hey there, im a new paramedic searching for a Job. I struggle at written tests but hands on I can get it done no prob. I was even thinking of going overseas. any1 have information on that topic?? I live in CA and jobs are hard to come by with the economic bs thats going on. any information would be great. Cheers!
Are you looking for information on jobs available oversea's... or just jobs in general?

By the way, Welcome to EMTlife!

Well I guess the answer to that would be both. Im trying to not get disgruntled with getting picked up. Just want to get working and put this year of school to work! leaving the state of CA is an option for sure.
Well, there are plenty of jobs out there for you. Just keep in mind, you may not get your "dream job" right off the bat. You may have to work IFT, or small town, or non-911 before you get what you truly want. Also be aware that a lot of ER's hire medics. Right now just take what you can get... Experience is experience. You will be suprised at how far 1 year of experience will get you for future jobs. Its kind of hard to tell you what to do, as everyone is different in their needs and wants. But, I know I can tell you this -- There are A LOT of jobs out there!B)
