I on the other hand will disagree. If you want to be a paramedic, go be a paramedic. Complete the 2 year program at Seminole State of which I am very familiar with. If you really want to be on the cutting edge, work your way into the new Community Health Paramedic program which they are just rolling out. We will see our first graduates of that program 3 years from now, but it IS the future.
As for becoming a Firemedic, I say become an EMT and roll right into the paramedic program. Please bear in mind this is a HUGE positional shift on my part from how I used to think 10-15 years ago. My reasons are sound and evidence based. You will have plenty of time to get EMT practice while going through the program and then the subsequent ride along hours and clinicals as a paramedic student. Because you are in a College based program and one I am familiar with is one of the main reasons I say this...if you were in one of the local medic mills I would say do not waste your time.
Here is the other perspective regarding the order of obtaining certs/education and finances.
If you become an EMT and then go to Fire standards...your income is going to be low after you have your EMT and are attending Standards. Once you have both Standards and EMT...you are now 1 out of 1000 looking for a job. The odds are NOT in your favor.
If you become an EMT then roll right into Paramedic, you have now significantly increased your earning potential while getting standards. Also many of the fire academies have waiting lists...guess what bumps you on preference for admission (Paramedic card).
Also, there are some departments which will hire you since you are a paramedic with the provision you complete standards within certain time. This is NOT common and you will not see this in the larger departments, but it does happen.
Once you have standards and paramedic...you have now swung the odds in your favor significantly. You are way ahead of the competition and if you do not get hired right away, you are still earning better wages and gaining experience.
Keep in mind when going to school...EVERYONE is watching you. That is not paranoia, it is a fact. Guest instructors, preceptors, proctors...they will be across the table from you one day interviewing you. Stay sharp, stay smart, stay focused.