IV acetaminophen

Yes, that would be useful, if that were an important goal. There is no need to "treat a fever" by anyone, let alone EMS. This is not just my wacky opinion, but also the stance of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

I went over some of the background and evidence in Fever - does EMS need to treat it?

Of course, APAP and the NSAIDs are great for treating discomfort and minor aches. And you also can't overlook the power of a popsicle. Now that pre-hospital therapeutic hypothermia is out, perhaps the fridge for the cold saline can be repurposed!

I have three kids and don't freak out over a fever. And by having three kids and treating their fever I have seen the difference it can make with how they feel. More times than not they feel a heck of a lot better AND sleep a lot better. I think rest during an illness is pretty important. Heck, I feel a lot better when I have a fever and I take Motrin or Tylenol and it reduces it.

I don't disagree with their stance but is mortality reduction the only goal? People don't die from pain during a nasty fracture but its feels a heck of a lot better with pain medication. A fever is benign in a child but they feel a lot better when its say 99F instead of 103F.
Pain can potentiate shock. Until you pass out.

They used to INDUCE fever to fight some infections long ago. Not to mention mention making the wear sweats, hot compresses, hot baths.

ANYTHING can be pushed beyond the limits of safety, but relieving fever in a garden variety cold or flu is probably not going to be bad (Reye's Syndrome aside).