It isn't coming off...


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So, I was a "victim" for an ADLS class this morning and I got covered almost head to toe in fake blood. Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that I've taken a shower and I am still, well, pink. :P

Has anyone found a good way to get this crap off?
try mixing lemon juice and salt. and then washing with it. The lemon juice will help take the stain out, and the salt exfoliates.

and the added benefit is your skin will be so purrr-ty afterwards!
hmmmm I'll have to remember that. Usually I just walk around with pink hair and what ever else till it dispears on its own.
emtbuff said:
hmmmm I'll have to remember that. Usually I just walk around with pink hair and what ever else till it dispears on its own.

Doesn't that cause a little talk where you are, or did your community change in the past 5 years?
Nah, dude. Just say you're a reverse smurf. Or that you woke up like that, you don't know why this red stuff isn't coming off and are wondering why you haven't seen one of your friends in a few days...

Someone saw me when I still had the moulage on and all she could say was "Well, at least I'm having a better day than you..."
TCERT1987 said:
Nah, dude. Just say you're a reverse smurf. Or that you woke up like that, you don't know why this red stuff isn't coming off and are wondering why you haven't seen one of your friends in a few days...

Someone saw me when I still had the moulage on and all she could say was "Well, at least I'm having a better day than you..."

I was wondering about emtbuff, because I know the area she's from.

TCERT, that doesn't suprise me in the least, you being on a college campus.
TCERT1987 said:
So, I was a "victim" for an ADLS class this morning and I got covered almost head to toe in fake blood. Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that I've taken a shower and I am still, well, pink. :P

Has anyone found a good way to get this crap off?

HAHAHAHAHA! Same thing happened to me when I got moulaged (spelling?) for a BTLS recert for firefighters here. I was glad it was on a weekend, by Monday it was mostly gone! Pictures, I want pictures! LOL!

I never thought of the lemon-juice/salt thing....I will try that next time Princess, thanks.
Originally Posted by emtbuff
hmmmm I'll have to remember that. Usually I just walk around with pink hair and what ever else till it dispears on its own.

Doesn't that cause a little talk where you are, or did your community change in the past 5 years?
TCERT1987Nah, dude. Just say you're a reverse smurf. Or that you woke up like that, you don't know why this red stuff isn't coming off and are wondering why you haven't seen one of your friends in a few days...

Someone saw me when I still had the moulage on and all she could say was "Well, at least I'm having a better day than you..."
ffemt8978 said:
I was wondering about emtbuff, because I know the area she's from.

TCERT, that doesn't suprise me in the least, you being on a college campus.

Yes it does cause some talk around the community and school.

TCERT I had the same thing happen to me when I was a patient for the final testing. I was in the hall way and one of the gals I knew from school happen to cross paths with me all she could say or ask was if I was alright cuz I had blood like no other over my head and hair and looked pretty tough. I had to explain my self to her then it was all good.