You see, thats the problem. Any head injury that causes a sudden intermittant loss of consciousness, sycope, a brief seizure, so forth ops a trip to the er, or truama center if the er doesnt have CT capabilites. increase of age in the patient increases risks. The main reason for this post is to gain addional knowledge like all things posted here. It is very important not to delay treatment taking them to a er then having a ER doc say, "oh well this patient needs to go to a truama center, or better yet, they need a CT." Wasted time, wasted treatemnt. I know advanced assessment to pinpoint if its a bleed, region of the brain that could be affected, through confusion, combative nature, focal deficits in cognitive, concentration procedures, GCS. Really all my quesion was, was what causes the patient to vomit after a head injury and more advanced cranial nerve assessments.