Is your department/agency incestuous?


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
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So I went out for a coworker's birthday a couple of weeks ago, and brought my girl and her girl with me. we had a good time, lots of the birthday boy's friends showed up, as well as many many coworkers. anyways, at the end of the night my girl's friend referred to us all as incestuous, and not in the mothers sleeping with sons and fathers with daughters type of way, but rather in the human behavior definition (excessively close and resistant to outside influence).

But as I got thinking, she was pretty right. We hang out with each other outside of work, are friends, celebrate occasions together, occasionally date or fool around with each other (or firefighters, police officers, ER staff, or other EMS agency employees), but pretty much stay within our own circles, and are resistant to outside influences.

so to an outsiders, we might appear to be incestuous. just curious if your agencies acts similarly.
I don't think that it is limited to EMS/PD/FD. In both my seasonal jobs that I work it is the same way. If you get along with the people you work with what is wrong with hanging out with them outside of work?

I wouldn't say it's a bad thing.