Is this a good site for written test


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Is this a good site for preparing for my NREMT written.
Try That's the site I hear most frequently. My brother just used it for his NR and loved it.
The best way to prepare for the NREMT exam is to study and understand your text book. The classes are designed to bring you up to national standards. Why pay several hundred dollars for a class only to waste more money on so called study sites?

Here is the low down on the NR test - it is a test designed to test your knowledge of the EMT curriculum, which is taught in class. Most of the test is scenario based.

At the beginning of the chapter in your book should be chapter objectives. Review these. If you can understand and correctly explain the objectives then you will do fine on the test.

Biggest cause of failure is people stressing themselves out. Relax, study your book and class notes, get a good night sleep and eat well.

Thousands of people have passed this test including me. If I can do it so can you.
If you did well in class, I would not even bother with paying for more practice.

The test questions are really not that different from class. The test format throws some people off, but I'm not sure if any of these sites will help with that.
Is this a good site for preparing for my NREMT written.

jb learning is great if you have the book there is a "access Key" in the back with some additional test and the book in a audio format you can down load.

i also liked this like for some quick review
The questions were easier that NREMT but it is good practice for learning how to take test and some pretty good questions over all.