Is long hair professional in EMS?

Thanks for the feedback Keith. I am sorry to report that I am now balding on top (serously), but I remember 6 years ago when I posted this thread I was happy to get the feedback and I enjoyed the long hair for as long as I could!
Have you looked into using both finasteride (propecia) and minoxidil (rogaine)? My family has a balding issue too. When my twin brother noticed that we were balding, he immediately started taking finasteride and minoxidil. Unfortunately, I didn't. He has had great results while my hair has noticeably thin on the back and have widow peaks. :( From what I've read, even if you have been balding for awhile or are very bald, the combo can do wonders. While the hair that has died will stay dead, there is probably a lot of hair that is dormant that will start to grow again making it look like regrowth. I think the minoxidil might cause some (small) vellus hair to grow on your head filling it in.

There are some possible side effects though (with finasteride). It can decrease libido and can cause some mild breast growth. From what I've read, this doesn't happen often and is usually reversible if you stop taking the medication. Also, initially, both minoxidil and finasteride can cause your hair to shed making it look like you are losing hair. This is normal for the first while that you are taking the medications.

Just a thought. I actually saw my brother with long hair. He has shoulder length. He looks good in it. Since we are twins and look pretty much the same, I want the same look, haha. I started taking finasteride last week and have been letting my hair grow out for a couple of months. XD
I have thought seriously about growing back my junior high mullet.
Actually professional appearance is part of professionalism.
A memorable quote from my FTO on my first day, "If you look professional you feel professional, if feel professional you act professional and if you act professional you are professional"... shamelessly steal it to this day for my own trainees.