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I think some here are splitting hairs a bit over the term "cool". Trying to describe an industry with a single adjective can take on all kinds of variables and as this thread can attest... opinions.
EMS is on the forefront of every major incident in this country in one form or another. And some cases a part of history itself. Every call is different and there is always the possibility of adventure on the next one. Not too many jobs provide that kind of variety and anticipation.
It does take a certain mindset to be in this business and unfortunately there are many who should not be in EMS. There is nothing wrong in being excited about your work. Call it cool, exciting, adventurous, f***ing awesome, or whatever.
Call it whatever best gives you the drive to see the next patient in a good situation or bad. And we have all seen the bad ones; and gang there will always be the bad ones until we cease to exist on this planet.
As for me? Yeah, this is a pretty cool business to be in. It's cool to watch the advancement of EMS as I have over the last thirty years. It's cool to see today's protocols that I could only dream of in the 70's. It's cool to see the standards of EMS education morph into what they are today. It's cool to see how electronics have improved care in the pre-hospital setting. It's cool to watch a machine do chest compressions for you. It's cool to be writing about this very subject and transmitting it in seconds for anyone in the world to see.
Yes, oh yes, EMS can be a cool thing. It's all about how one looks at the whole picture... the whole picture.
The first sentence I agree with whole-heartedly. "Cool" can mean 'interesting,' 'good,' 'desirable,' 'attractive,' or any other number of things.
If you enjoy your job, why would you say it isn't any of the things listed above? As with any career, there are aspects in EMS that many people in it would rather not exist (I guess in a perfect world there'd be no need for EMS at all, but I'm referring to BS callers, the cleaning-up of equipment after calls, then there's stress, etc), but if an EMS employee is willfully staying in his chosen field then, by reason of logic, his field must satisfy him enough to continue serving, otherwise he'd seek employment elsewhere.
For those that don't think EMS is 'cool' - is it uncool? Is it bland, is it boring? Is the fact you deal with things a good portion of the population has no desire at all to become involved in a bad thing? Should people not admire what you do?
If I were drawn into a conversation and someone said my occupation was 'cool' then I'd merely tell them thanks, but explain to them the rewarding aspects and the less-exciting and irritating aspects of the career.
While I'm not yet active in the field, EMS interests me. I am eager to get into it. I am aware of the crappy parts. That all said, I think it'll be a cool field to get into. Cool, admirable, all the same.
To the OP: Your reaction to the kid may be from on-job stress? May want to take a breather.
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