Is EMS your only job/What did you do before EMS?

Pizza delivery driver while studying history at UF
Business/English teacher at a university in China
English teacher at a preschool in China

EMT for private ambulance company
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Worked at a garden supply store and power equipment dealer. Did a lot of driving overloaded pickup trucks. I also carried golf bags off an on for seven years, and that sucked real bad. Even 100 bucks in cash at the end of the day had a hard time erasing all that suck.

I work as a Student-Athletic Trainer/EMT for a Men's D1 Hockey program. I'm getting a BA in Political Science while trying to satisfy Nursing/PA program prereqs at the same institution.

During breaks I work on a private BLS truck in Boston.
I trained and still do, horses for over 20 years:P
EMS is my main gig right that I remember how fun it actually is. I have 21 years in EMS, 16 of that I spent working as a police officer and had EMS as the second job. Now EMS is my foccus and teaching scene safety is my second job.
wow for only being 18 i have a few.

volunteered with fire company (Truck company) from 14- present
volunteered with rescue company from 17- like 3 months later.
worked at a grocery store as a stocker/bagger left there for
textile plant general laborer/ cleaning staff.
not the greatest bls job
great micu job. and hopefully will be the medic next year
I think I posted this before, so I'll fill in the Early Years (Bedrock EMS)

Resharpening stone hypodermic needles.
Rolling Mastadon-wool dressings.
Making trepanning knives from obsidian.
Applying long spine boards at every opportunity for long periods of time.
Repairing the siren bird off the ambulance

-Internet installer
-Hockey Referee and trainer, still do this.

Now, I work for 911 hospital based ambulance company.
Did someone list fluffer as a former job or did I imagine that?
Ah, yes, oh bald-pated one.

No one else was going to mention that though.
Been working for 10 years now (since the end of high school).

Was at my first job at a credit union the longest. Left to explore the world of new jobs at the worst time and during the start of the recession.

Now, as an EMT I'm the worst paid I've been in a long time. It's really quite terrible.
Now, as an EMT I'm the worst paid I've been in a long time. It's really quite terrible.

Yah...i used to make nearly $16 an hour as a social worker. If i get on at CCA, I start @ $11.75. *groan* Of course, that IS 2 more $ than I make now...
I was a full time MA prior to becoming an EMT. Still do it part time. I have been in Health Care since just out of high school.
-Grocery Store (7 years)
-IT admin for a 501c(3)
-Cellular Telephone service technician
-Radio DJ for a local station

Currently a 911 dispatcher (sheriff,police,fire,EMS - county wide including 8 towns and a crap tone of rural area) and also a volunteer EMT-Basic on two ambulance services in two different towns. 1 runs with a full time paramedic and the other is BLS.

For my EMT volunteering I get paid $35 a run and nothing if I dont get any calls on one service and $30 a shift PLUS $30 for each call on top of that. MAKE MONEY MONEY.

As a dispatcher I am part time currently. I started out making $10/hr and am up to $12/hr(it's all public record so I don't mind sharing) I made just over $16k last year...Poor much? When I go full time I will get bumped up to $16/hr...
Well lets see here *cracking knuckles* :blink:

Starting at 14 I worked at the local country store

In the summers I would work on my uncles logging crew and around his ranch

Then when I was able to drive I did a couple different jobs during the summer time painting, building horse trailers, and youth corps building hiking trails in the middle of no where

after high school I got a job at good year tire factory that was hands down the worst job EVER! :rolleyes: I dont recommend this

Which prompted me to Join the Marines. Standing on the yellow foot prints a week after my 18th Birthday.

I did that from 97-2005. Then I got my EMT-B as I was getting out. I worked at AM/PM while I finished school.

Then I got hired on a B rig in San Diego making a whoping $9.10/hr :glare:

I did that for about a year and a half but the money was killing me and my family asked me to help out back home so I moved back.

I worked as a heavy equipment operator for a little while at a wood products place making better money at 18/hr

Then realized my heart was not in it I decided to take a job as a Med Aide in a alzheimers unit working under the RN. Pay again was horrible at 10.50/hr

That was short lived for multiple reasons and I went to work in construction as a pipe fitter building steam driven generators for 25/hr (I got lucky)

so I stayed doing that for a while then that job ended and my crew got offered a job in the bay area working in the refineries for 32/hr so I took it.

I stayed doing that from 07-09. Then a guy at the refinery I was working at told me they were hiring for operations with a chance to be part of there fire/rescue team so I took that. Starting back at 25/hr but quickly getting back to 32 where I am today. Its been a long road but I made a huge mistake and got a very bad reckless driving ticket for well over the posted speed limit while I was in the military and it finally fell off of my record this September.

Through all of my travels I found my heart lies with EMS. It took me a while to realize that no matter how much money you can make. If your not doing what you love it never will equal happiness.

So here I am. Trying to get a job back on a B rig part time to prepare for Paramedic school that starts in February of 12. Kinda scary but at the same time it feels good.

This concludes todays broadcast and please tune in next week :P
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Barn Manager
College Admissions office
Forestry and Trail Tech
Environmental Educator

After college:
Barn manager/Trainer
Vet Tech (5 years)
Went pro with the horse training and showing
Volunteer EMT
Phlebotomist (4 years)
EMT for private service
Ive only had 4 jobs, was a land surveyor in high school and college, came home and worked for security/dispatch at NJs largest amusement park and went to EMT school. Now I'm in year 3 as a municipal LEO.