Interview Question...


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So I have my first interview tomorrow as an EMT. Now I know its usually nice to get dressed up nicely and all, but as amateur as this question is going to sound, is it really necessary to shave? I don't have this huge bushy beard or anything... but man how i hate a clean face lol.

Besides that question, any other advice is great appreciated :)
I recommend shaving...or at the least making it very short and VERY clean :)

Good luck!

I have my second interview with AMR tomorrow...job offer? I hope so!
Great, I wish you the best of luck :). I applied for for AMR but never got a call cry* lol.
shave man. I wouldn't think twice. once your get picked up then you can have it according to the companies grooming standards.
Shave... or if you have something like a goatee or whatever just make sure you trim it and make it neat. That said, be prepared to shave it off if the company's requirements mandate it.
As one who often has a beard or a goatee, I have ALWAYS shaved before any and every job interview.

What is the big deal, it is back in 2 weeks or less...unless you been struggling for 20 years to have those few hairs... :)

While some may debate it is their personal style (see tattoo or piercing threads) you have to ask yourself is a personal "lapse" in style really going to outweigh your need or desire for that particular job?

You do not want to give the people doing the hiring ANY reason to form a bias against you. Despite our best efforts, we still form opinions of people's appearance and since they do not know you character, knowledge, abilities, etc, they will form an instant opinion on your look.

Your look 'may not' convey the image to others the same as it does to yourself when looking in the mirror, so you have done the right thing by coming here and asking outsiders it is up to you to listen to our years of experience and follow the advice.

Golden rule...when in doubt, shave it.
Yep, you're trying to show them with how you look when you come in for "business". Your image you present to them at interview time will be what they see you presenting yourself to patients that you may be dealing with if they hire you.
shave it as you will most likely have to shave once employed

That depends on the agency. A lot of the ones around here allow facial hair as long as it's kept neat. It's not a blanket requirement that facial hair has to be shaved. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask around to people that work there now about their policies.
Well I know in fire agencies around here, no facial hair is allowed. Not sure about AMR. I would say with the market the way it is right now, be glad you got a interview at all. I would look as clean and sharp as you can. Do what you can to get this job. Dont risk it. Just shave. Id rather look like a 15 year old working than Freddie Mercury unemployed any day.