As one who often has a beard or a goatee, I have ALWAYS shaved before any and every job interview.
What is the big deal, it is back in 2 weeks or less...unless you been struggling for 20 years to have those few hairs...
While some may debate it is their personal style (see tattoo or piercing threads) you have to ask yourself is a personal "lapse" in style really going to outweigh your need or desire for that particular job?
You do not want to give the people doing the hiring ANY reason to form a bias against you. Despite our best efforts, we still form opinions of people's appearance and since they do not know you character, knowledge, abilities, etc, they will form an instant opinion on your look.
Your look 'may not' convey the image to others the same as it does to yourself when looking in the mirror, so you have done the right thing by coming here and asking outsiders it is up to you to listen to our years of experience and follow the advice.
Golden rule...when in doubt, shave it.