Information on typical first day on the Job

We had to have 5 patient assessments (vitals, SAMPLE, OPQRST, etc) over here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
It's nowhere near enough to make you comfortable as a sole provider, in my opinion.
So just learn as much as possible during field training, and remember that it's ok to be nervous the first time you're all by your lonesome.

Yes, same here on the other end of Maryland, good old MFRI.

Here in Missouri We have to have a minimum of 10 pt contacts and 24 hours of ER observation. Where I did my ride-alongs they also encouraged us to handle the patients. They made every student take vitals, blood sugar, perform assesments and anything else they felt the student capable of. I felt fortunate to do my ride alongs where I did they were more than understanding but you also got experience within your capabilities.