Not silly, just a sign of unintegrated mine.
I'm not giving up gadgets that work, those are "tools". I'm avoiding a blind reliance on their results.
As a kicker, my admin has decided, despite my relaying the Welch Allyn rep's message about +/- 10 mmHg variance in BP, to buy a new vital sign monitor for every exam room. They are using these to replace a LVN or RN or even a real med tech to assist the MD and going for untrained clerks. I told the doc any VS he sees from me other than a POx is NOT from the monitor.
Now, the thermometers...what temp are you supposed to keep the probe covers? Unless you are on "monitor", a little heater in the probe brings it to a preset temp, then measures the rate of rise for a set length of time and CALCULATES the temp by rate of rise, not the actual temp. I can take any four of ours , put them into a cup of hot water, and not get the same reading on most of them, and a couple will be off by as much as a degree and a fraction; if I compare them to my trusty elecronic lab probe thermometer, they are all wrong by as little as a couple precentages, or, again, over a degree. If I use all new probes..pretty close.