Who are you to judge? Who died and made you state medical director?
I will judge and be jury. Comprehension is one of the key factors of being successful in medicine. Yes, even medical school material is rushed through but the difference is those that are
able to do so, have been properly screened and tested that their reading comprehension and ability to retain is far above those of the normal person.
Shake & bake EMT's are dangerous. EMS is not all about skills. This is one of the reasons so many confuse the actions and responsibility of EMT's in general. The skills of an EMT can be learned by anyone with enough repetitious practice, again the main emphasis is the
why, how and what if's?
I have been a professional educator in EMS for over 25 years. I have yet seen any EMT say or describe that their EMT course was too long in length. If one would, I would say that they obviously have a poor understanding of emergency medicine.
In the real world the minimal amount of time allowable for an EMT course would be at the least one year.
Let me ask, how truly competent do you really think this type of EMT will be? How much lab time have they had to "
master" the skills? Do you really think during this time, they were able to
master all of the objectives and which ones are not important to master? The AMI, the choking baby, the trauma patient.....?
In the real world, real emergency setting there is NOT a place to review, recall or even ask what to do? It must be done in split second think, no guessing, not approximating, and all has to be perfect, each and every time. This only comes with time of absorbing the material, and as was mentioned repetitious rehearsing and practicing the skills, so all of it becomes second nature and instantaneously.
There is NO room for error. This is not a Wendy's were a wrong order or small fries vs. large is the worst thing possible.
This is medical care and treatment to human beings, by not having an adequate knowledge base, or poor performance may and will affect them permanently or cause death!
No substitutions or short cuts should even be considered or ever be allowed!
You want to be a professional, then one has to pay the price of being one. Do it the right way or not at all!
R/r 911