I'm back, again


EMS Junkie
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Well if you noticed I was gone for a while..we got our power back, but there was a problem. Apparently, the transformers and the entire power station was soaked with salt water, so those of us who had power either lost it, or had major power surges...we got the surges and it blew our power thingy and hard drive.

Jay peiced together a computer for us...not as good, but hell it works (obviously, since I'm here)

Missed ya'll and glad to be back, I'll catch up on the posts later, we're having a scary movie party tonight after the kids go trick or treating. :D

Killer Klowns from outer space is even better after a few margaritas :D :D :D
Glad to see your back:) don't have tomuch fun watching those movies.
Welcome back.. Have a good time!

Don't know if you know this, but many surge protector makers will replace a damaged surge protector, as well as XXXXX dollars of computer parts.

We had a lightning strike on a transformer down the street a few years ago. We got 4 brand new surge protectors and replaced the 1 damaged monitor.

Originally posted by MedicStudentJon@Nov 1 2005, 07:50 AM

Don't know if you know this, but many surge protector makers will replace a damaged surge protector, as well as XXXXX dollars of computer parts.

We had a lightning strike on a transformer down the street a few years ago. We got 4 brand new surge protectors and replaced the 1 damaged monitor.

Thanks Jon, Jay is looking for the receipts hopefully, they'll do something :rolleyes:

Thanks for the Welcome back guys :)