IFT Narrative


Forum Deputy Chief
Not to hijack here and forgive I'm not that familiar with medical med necc. forms but if the emt or paramedic doesn't have the ability to veto the transport because the patient doesn't fit the criteria for transport by ambulance. Your basically operating on their word that the patient fits the criteria. Wouldn't it cut down on fraud and unnecessary transports if the facility was now held responsible for the outstanding balance? They would not be so quick to sign their name if they the facility were being held financially responsible.


Not to hijack here and forgive I'm not that familiar with medical med necc. forms but if the emt or paramedic doesn't have the ability to veto the transport because the patient doesn't fit the criteria for transport by ambulance. Your basically operating on their word that the patient fits the criteria. Wouldn't it cut down on fraud and unnecessary transports if the facility was now held responsible for the outstanding balance? They would not be so quick to sign their name if they the facility were being held financially responsible.

While the individual EMTs and paramedics might not have the ability to refuse a transport, dispatch does. Unlike 911, there is no duty to respond and transport non-emergent patients and a quick call to dispatch could end with being unassigned.

However, in most cases dispatch will say to transport anyways. Most of the time a company has a contract with the sending facility and too many transport refusals could end up with a lost contract. How many patients are you willing to lose because one patient wasn't being reimbursed?