
Forum Ride Along
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Ok, so I've started up at a firehouse. It's a volunteer department, and we don't cover a very big area. We have gotten in trouble for hazing before (in fact, we just got off of suspension as a department), so people get kind of strict. However, there are frequently nights where it's just two or three people, so that can fade kind of quickly.

Now, we have a long-time member, who is just the best ECA you could ask for. She knows what she's doing. She just passed her NREMT, and is now an EMT with the department. So, everyone is going out to buy her presents and get her cake.

Now, I'm unhappy.

It's not that I don't like her. In fact, I count her as a really good friend. It's because I remember, when I was at another department and *I* passed *my* NREMT. They surgilubed all the door handles and sent out a false call at 3 AM!

So... I think a tradition needs to be started. We don't have any boxes, so the old "Medic in the Body Bag" trick won't work. It needs to only involve three people or so - one vic, and two pranksters, and it needs to work for both EMTs and Paramedics (our captain is desperately trying to get his NREMT-P... he's on his fourth test). And it needs to be priceless.

Just go with the cake...

seconded. what's with the medic in a body bag prank? we don't carry body bags, nor have i ever seen anyone in a body bag in an ambulance, just parked out in the bay.
agreed. But who said that you can't do something to the cake.:ph34r:
maybe find a way to rig it so when she cuts it, it will catapult icing into her face. there are so many ways to go with "just a cake".
but as a warning, don't add anything that might make someone sick. Not a good way to start a party.
messing with food is generally considered taboo, almost anything else in the station is generally considered fair game.....
messing with food is generally considered taboo, almost anything else in the station is generally considered fair game.....
You mean even like a balloon covered in frosting posing as a cake?
once one of our FF put some plastic lizards in someones samwhich. They were not tiny. You could not miss them if you tried.
How 'bout a handshake and dinner?

Your agency has been in trouble for hazing, yet you're looking for a prank to put on someone? Apparently your agency hasn't learned much, have they?
Stick with something nice an congratulatory. If you want to do something funny, put a silly topper on the cake or something. No offense, but just because you were hazed doesn't mean a new tradition should be started.
when presents are involved, i'm a fan of the giftcard in a huge empty (or full of bricks) box. or box within a box within a box etc... just stick to corny harmless, haze free :censored::censored::censored::censored:.

one real cake, one fake cake. first goes the fake cake that will hemorrhage theatrical blood upon cutting :ph34r:
If something goes wrong and the prank is taken the wrong way, it won't reflect well for you, your members, or your agency. When the local newspaper trumpets "Yourtown Fire Department implicated in hazing following probation for prior incident", it's too late for everyone. Leave the pranking to 7th graders.
(in the interest of full disclosure, I've been involved in more than one firehouse prank; believe me, it isn't worth it. It's all fun and games until you're standing in the Chief's office...)
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You could make the cake the prank. Morbid but you could do a red velvet cake. Make it like someones head or something.
OK .. so I'm still stuck on superglue (no pun intended) in the locks and a fake call....
who's locks? what if it had been a real call? were they fixed? who paid for them? Are you f----n kidding me? what are you guys? highschoolers?
OK .. so I'm still stuck on superglue (no pun intended) in the locks and a fake call....
who's locks? what if it had been a real call? were they fixed? who paid for them? Are you f----n kidding me? what are you guys? highschoolers?

surgilube, not superglue. both are retarded though.....
So... I think a tradition needs to be started. We don't have any boxes, so the old "Medic in the Body Bag" trick won't work. It needs to only involve three people or so - one vic, and two pranksters, and it needs to work for both EMTs and Paramedics (our captain is desperately trying to get his NREMT-P... he's on his fourth test). And it needs to be priceless.


Seriously? People wonder why Volly's have such a bad reputation? Be happy for your friend, buy a cake, heck have everyone sign a card and leave at that.

Pulling pranks is not professional and very juvenile. It's a firehouse not a frat house. Perhaps you should spend this time figuring out how to be a better firefighter, first responder, emt or whatever it is you do.

Just my $.02 worth.
Ok, so I've started up at a firehouse. It's a volunteer department, and we don't cover a very big area. We have gotten in trouble for hazing before (in fact, we just got off of suspension as a department), so people get kind of strict. However, there are frequently nights where it's just two or three people, so that can fade kind of quickly.

Now, we have a long-time member, who is just the best ECA you could ask for. She knows what she's doing. She just passed her NREMT, and is now an EMT with the department. So, everyone is going out to buy her presents and get her cake.

Now, I'm unhappy.

It's not that I don't like her. In fact, I count her as a really good friend. It's because I remember, when I was at another department and *I* passed *my* NREMT. They surgilubed all the door handles and sent out a false call at 3 AM!

So... I think a tradition needs to be started. We don't have any boxes, so the old "Medic in the Body Bag" trick won't work. It needs to only involve three people or so - one vic, and two pranksters, and it needs to work for both EMTs and Paramedics (our captain is desperately trying to get his NREMT-P... he's on his fourth test). And it needs to be priceless.


Sounds like somebody is trieing to incorperate a little bit of professianolism and discipline to this department. I suggest following the example they are setting and helping to make your department better. I know that their has been a tradition of hazing and joking in emergency services but this is another example of the this is the way we have always done it mentality that needs to be changed.