I really did it now.

HAHA, wish I could say the same. I did the entire 150, and it took me 2 hours. You must be really good to only get 80 questions. Congradulations to you as well.

Thank you!!!! I had a really AWESOME instructor and really AWESOME preceptors throughout my clinicals. I think that made all the difference in the world.
Congratulations Ms.Medic

Now comes the stark realization that you are the go to person for your patient. Don't worry, you will do fine. Your training will kick in and you will be all over it. As you go along learn from your patients. Remember a doctor has a license to practice medicine. And practice is what you will also do under his license. I was also pretty nervous at first but after a while you will start getting comfortable with yourself in your treatments. You have a great beginning, now compliment that by continuing to learn every time you run a call. Good luck and be proud of your accomplishment. :)