I need pants...


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Like it says, I need pants. I am finding that while kneeling to hold head stabilization, or kneeling to do CPR, my knees are KILLING me. After a few rounds of CPR, I can even feel it the next day.

What I need in my pants:
*Knee Pads
*Cargo pockets at least, though the more pockets the merrier

They don't need to be able to withstand a nuclear attack, however I want to be able to use them in a few months when I move from a classroom to a real EMT-B job.

On a side note, I am finding as I kneel there holding the guy's head my legs become shaky. I am assuming this is from me kneeling for a long period of time for the first time in years. Anything I can do to help this? I works my legs at the gym, but I'll be the first to admit I don't get there as much as I would like to.

Thanks a lot for any advice. :D
Might I suggest that since you are a student and spending an extraordinary time on your knees, know that in real life you will not be on your knees for prolonged periods of time that much within EMS.

Having said that, my recommendation is going to Lowe's, Home Depot, ACE Hardware and purchase yourself a $5 pair of strap on gel cushioned knee pads. Use them when training in class, then toss them when you hit the streets, much simpler and more cost effective way than trying to find some on pants.
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5.11 Tactical EMT pants have removable knee pads built in. They aren't the cheapest in the world, but if you shop around you may find them on sale. Plus I've always found them to be very durable.

In doing CPR in real life, and even realistic practice you need to be switching out compressors every 2 minutes. No matter what anyone says, this does make a difference. Don't think you have to keep doing CPR for 10 minutes. If someone doesn't tell you to switch, ask.

For me when I hold C-spine a put my self in a position where I can re-position if I need to. For example, if i'm crouching down, I have the option to straighten a leg. If you know you are going to be holding c-spine for a long time, you can always sit assuming it's safe (no blood/glass etc).
Rarely have i seen someone get worn in the knees. Improvision will be your best friend. Just find something close by to rest your knees on.
A guy in my class got a pair of 5.11 that have padded knees and a piece of leather on the outside over each knee. We say he has promotional pads ^_^
But really, if your holding c-spine, and they are available, C-Blocks make great knee pads, and once you get to the point that you gotta put them on the board and cant use them anymore, you haven't got much longer to go anyway.
The 5.11 tactical pants are worth every penny. The knee pads are also removable.
Might I suggest that since you are a student and spending an extraordinary time on your knees, know that in real life you will not be on your knees for prolonged periods of time that much within EMS.

5.11 Tactical EMT pants have removable knee pads built in. They aren't the cheapest in the world, but if you shop around you may find them on sale. Plus I've always found them to be very durable.

Improvision will be your best friend.

combine these 3 for one super-answer.

know that in real life you won't be doing CPR ten times a day, but for the few times you do it will be worth it to have nicer pants, like the 5.11's. Also, for those times you have to hold cspine for a while, know how to change it up/move around without compromising your hold.
Agreed with everyone about the knee pads.

For a relatively cheap pair of pants, I might suggest TruSpecs. Mine cost me $60-or-so Canadian.
Thanks a lot for the tips. I am thinking of grabbing up a pair of 5.11 EMT pants. From everything I have seen and heard, they are well worth the price. If anyone knows a place I can get them cheap that would be awesome ;) cheapest I have seen is 49.99... I hope they are easy to break in...
Thanks a lot for the tips. I am thinking of grabbing up a pair of 5.11 EMT pants. From everything I have seen and heard, they are well worth the price. If anyone knows a place I can get them cheap that would be awesome ;) cheapest I have seen is 49.99... I hope they are easy to break in...

I got a pair of ****ies the other day, that isn't measured in large or x-large, but rather your actualy waist, inseam, etc.

Got them, and.. wearing them today.. they are almost skin tight when I sit down lol, guess all of the emt pants fit tight like this; anyone elses?
One Thing you might want to look into, while not strictly EMS Pants, is getting some Navy BDU Pants. Some have the pockets for removable knee pads, some don't (I personally prefer the ones that dont, never been comfortable with knee pads). they are available at just about any military surplus store, as well as tons of places online, have pleny of cargo space in the pockets, are durable,(as long as you get ones that are MILSPEC, and not some cheap cotton ones that only look the part, but tear apart the second you kneel to get the pulse of someone lying down on the ground(must have been made by cintas, but sold under a different name, but that is another story for another day). The average price I have paid for them is $20-$25. Most also come with some form of moisture resistance built in. On another note, while pricey, the 5.11's are a great pair of pants
Spend the money.... 5.11 EMS pants... worth every dime!