I keep seeing the more questions you get the worse you did.......

Aughhh lol mine kicked me out at 70 questions and it did seem to get more difficult as I progressed. <_< Damn. I guess I'll just sit down and wait my two days to find out *sigh*
You should have your results the next day if you took the exam in the morning. If you have a registry number and a expiration date it means you passed! Good luck
You can also just log into the nr site and see I you have a number. There used to be a spot on the nr site where you could put in your info and it would give you your status/ results.
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Thanks guys! I was scheduled for 1745, but showed up about 20 minutes early. I was home by 1900. :/ I don't know if I rushed it - it didn't feel like I did. Anyhow, I'll have my fingers crossed for results sometime Weds night or Thursday morning :beerchug: