I hate being the new kid...

ladyemt 215

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Hi there, I'm Maggie. I've been reading for a while now and decided to register tonight. I found this site while I was in month 2 of my EMS training. Very interesting stuff and great information for someone as "green" (not the new, cool, save-the-world green... I mean "brand new" green B) ) as I.

I finished the EMS training class at the beginning of June and I took my NREMT last Friday--I passed with 71 questions. So, I guess that now I've jumped through all those hoops, I'm ready to jump in here. Hope you'll have me 'cause I'm staying. LOL
Welcome! Everyone was new at one time.. take advantage of that, it does not last long!.. :D
Welcome to the forum and welcome to the world of EMS!!!!
Well at least you admit you are green. That says a lot in itself about you and in a good way. Welcome! :rolleyes:
welcome...believe it or not everyone on this site learns from one another at one time or another.
Welcome and please, don't be shy.. start asking the questions you are afraid people will think are stupid.. those are our favorites.. cuz the answers are usually easy!
welcome....to the forum and the new found love....EMS..

Welcome to the wonderful world of EMS.. it has its ups and downs , but mostly down . Keep your head , try to learn everyday and it will be great for you.
Congrats on passing the NREMT!

Are you a volunteer, looking for a paid job, or all of the above?
Thanks. :) All of the above. My state license is in the mail (I hope--sent the info a few weeks ago). So, after I get that, I'll be good to go.
Hey I'm new to emtlife and I feel the same at the fire station I volunteer at I'm only cool with a few guys everyone just looks at me like I'm weird but I guess we just have to give it time you know are you from philly?
Welcome Maggie !!

I'm green myself, I start my Field Training on an ambulance with my first job on Monday (7/14). I'm nervous as all hell.
Welcome fellow newbie.
