How to sign up for nremt 2nd time around


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I'm in the process of signing up for the florida emt b exam for the second time.. The 1stdidnt go so well.. i went on the nremt site and paid the asked ammount of money, Did i miss a step? Its said that my state approval is pending still... any help would be good.
I had the same issue. Make sure you have paid the state again, and turned in all your info to them along with the NREMT. The state seems to love to take their sweet time to approve for some reason. It took me over a month to get approved to re-take the test. I am finally approved and taking it Thursday, and hopefully wont have to deal with this a third time... I wish you the best of luck and hope that your second time goes great!
Thanks alot my friend.. Still no luck. I'm almost positive that I did everything I am supposed to do.. I know I paid them again haha. Its been about 3 weeks since I paid them. Good luck!
Did you call them?
If something isn't right they will send you something in the mail. They found two things wrong with my recent application, but thankfully the second time the lady emailed me so I wouldnt have to wait. Funny thing is they still sent me the papers for the error even though its already corrected<_<