How much should EMS providers make?

We make the equivalent of between $1.25 (trainee) and $6.25 (ALS) per hour base pay, if you do the math. We are paid an "incentive," for 12 hr shifts.

Trainees (driver or medic, typically without EMT card): $15
Second BLS medic (we can have up to 2 BLS providers on a rig): $30
Driver: $35
Primary BLS medic: $50
ALS (CC/P): $70 or $75

We also get that same amount for each transport after the first (so if you do 0 or 1 transports, you get the base pay... 2 transports, base pay x2, etc). I'd say we average about 3 calls per day, which probably averages out to 1 transport per shift, with the other being a sign-off or standby etc.

We have one on-duty crew, but we have three ambulances we can put into service if crews are available. If you staff a 2nd or 3rd ambulance call, you get paid the base pay even if you don't transport.

Our typical transports last about 2 - 3 hours, 3 - 4 by the time the rig is cleaned and paperwork is done.
What about average hourly pay for EMT-B in the NW? I'm a new Seattle EMT and I'm applying to AMR and TriMed. I may end up working outside of the city as well.
TriMed used to pay around 9.25/hr for 24 hour crews and 12.50/day crews. It all worked out to the same, around 30k a year. Not enough to live on if you reside in Seattle. However, there used to be a fair amount of OT.
I made around 30k a Year base as a Medic in San Diego, and I make around
55k a year base in Texas.

I think what I make now is very reasonable compensation for what I do.

I would love to see employers pay for Degrees(relative ones) This would be a large driving force behind our profession as a whole going down the degree path and becoming more educated.
I'm wondering if the average salary in San Francisco would be similar to what you got in San Diego. That's where I am expecting to work.