How many times have you been dispatched to a man down or an “arrest”

Unconfirmed man down calls are a cold response in our system. Its glorious and it is technically the state EMD protocol
No it's not. the state EMD protocol doesn't tell you what is a hot and what is a cold response. It is, however, a BLS response according to EMD guidelines.

and Robb "If the caller can't verify if the patient is breathing EMD will kick it out as an arrest. " that is only for a second party call. ie, if the caller is with the patient, and can't tell if the person is breathing. for a 3rd and 4th party call, or from a passerby (which kinda make it's 3rd party), it shouldn't be treated as an arrest.
No it's not. the state EMD protocol doesn't tell you what is a hot and what is a cold response. It is, however, a BLS response according to EMD guidelines.

and Robb "If the caller can't verify if the patient is breathing EMD will kick it out as an arrest. " that is only for a second party call. ie, if the caller is with the patient, and can't tell if the person is breathing. for a 3rd and 4th party call, or from a passerby (which kinda make it's 3rd party), it shouldn't be treated as an arrest.
In the EMD cards, any unconfirmed passerby type call is like an alpha or bravo response apparently...I dont know exactly because we dont do that stuff. The crew determines the response mode based on the call notes
Multiple times, every single shift. I can tell who it is usually based on their clothes or where the call is at. Half of EMS here is doing police work and I'm sure it's like that almost everywhere.
In the EMD cards, any unconfirmed passerby type call is like an alpha or bravo response apparently...I dont know exactly because we dont do that stuff. The crew determines the response mode based on the call notes

Here any third party report is automatically a Bravo, first incoming code 3 and all others code 2. Kinda kills me when we hear a "Bravo, third party report of gunshot to the chest". Call me stupid, but just because a third party is reporting it doesn't mean it isn't life threatening.

That being said, if there is any question about our response mode I'll always err on the side of the patient and roll code 3, even if it's a third party report.

Also, I once worked as a dispatcher (a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away) and can appreciate the EMD cards for what they are. They take into account that third party reports are often wildly inaccurate…
Too many times to count. We know the reporting parties as "cell phone heroes".