There is NO co-relation of the "last answer" and scores. Never has been nor will ever be. Truthfully, why it is even discussed is foolish as it has nothing to do with the test results.
As mentioned there are several posts discussing the testing technique of the NREMT. As a test item writer for them, I can assure you there is a lengthy and complex process on how the points are assigned per each question and how the total is tabulated. Much more in depth than the majority of EMT"s taking would ever understand.
So here's the scoop... either you pass or you didn't. There is not a so called average that is released anymore so describing it stopped at 60 or even 120 has no relevancy. There are pilot test questions that are placed within each test and one does not know if the questions they are receiving are really being graded/scored or part of a study.... again; it is foolish and numbers have NO means in the scores... as each question is based upon scores on how difficult the question is NOT an over all average.
So take the test, pass or fail. It only test over the minimal means for safety of the public. If you fail prepare better and study more and retake it again.
Good luck,
R/r 911