Hope I dont annoy anyone!


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But I got another Interview!!! So for those who dont care "i'm sorry". And for those who dont know what I am talking about, I had gotten an interview last Monday (great interview by the way) was told that they would be suprised if I didnt get the job, but it had to run by the board first. Well needless to say I didn't, I also asked if there was a reason why I didnt get the job, or if there was anything I could have improved on; they said no. Interview was great, as well as my resume. They asked me if another postion opens if I would still be interested, of coarse I said yes but I was still really bummed since I was told I did great and "looking forward to working with you, hopefully"

Well that same day I decided to drive all over country and put more resumes out, an visit they places that already have my resume an app. One place close to me that already has my resume said they are looking for local people to be available for 3rd crew when needed, and that she like my resume and it was a PLUS that I only lived 3 blocks down the rd. So that was good news, and the other said that they will be hiring in Jan. and that they remembered my resume (THAT CAN ONLY BE GOOD IF THEY REMEMBER UR RESUME..RIGHT?) :) And stated to expect a call around Jan. So good news, an then today I decided to fax my resumes to a few places that I haven't made it to. Well 30 mintues after I faxed around 4 resumes I got a call stating they would like to do an INTERVIEW as soon as possible!!!:P:P
So I set one up for Friday 4th!!! I'm trying not to get to excited! But I think I am!!!
Thanks for listening to my rant! I mean Rave!
Which services have you applied with? You can pm me iuf you like
Congrats again! And good luck to you!
Congrats again! And good luck to you!

Thank YA!!! Just hope I GET THE JOB!!! Again I am trying not to get excited, because I dont want to get my hopes up. But I would think after only 30 min. of faxing my resume and getting a call; can only mean good things!! And I havent even filled out an application through them yet! **Crossing my Fingers**
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Thank YA!!! Just hope I GET THE JOB!!! Again I am trying not to get excited, because I dont want to get my hopes up. But I would think after only 30 min. of faxing my resume and getting a call; can only mean good things!! And I havent even filled out an application through them yet! **Crossing my Fingers**

I really Hope You get the job too!! Good luck!

i hope i can get one too haha

That way we can both be EMT's!!!!!
The interview doesn't annoy me. Trying to read an entire post in bold starts to though.
Hey. Best of luck and congrats. Glad to hear it! Good luck!
good luck and hope u get the job :)
Hey. Best of luck and congrats. Glad to hear it! Good luck!

Thank you!!! I think I got WAY to excited last time, and felt pretty Sh**ty whenever I didnt get the job!! So I'm trying just to stay calm and even if they interview goes good (which it better..lol) I'm going to try and stay positive.
Wonder if you can look to HIGH MAINTENCE for an interview??? I am a very girly girl and love to put make up on and have my hair done, but can get down an dirty just like the guys! I mean I gutt my own deer, ride 4wheelers, put worms on my OWN hook!! LOL (no offense to those who don't) But I am wondering if I could give the wrong impression??? Hmm...something for me to think about!
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Thank you!!! I think I got WAY to excited last time, and felt pretty Sh**ty whenever I didnt get the job!! So I'm trying just to stay calm and even if they interview goes good (which it better..lol) I'm going to try and stay positive.
Wonder if you can look to HIGH MAINTENCE for an interview??? I am a very girly girl and love to put make up on and have my hair done, but can get down an dirty just like the guys! I mean I gutt my own deer, ride 4wheelers, put worms on my OWN hook!! LOL (no offense to those who don't) But I am wondering if I could give the wrong impression??? Hmm...something for me to think about!

Thats great if your excited! If anyone gets a job interview, then its a reason to be. Just mentally be prepared for whatever comes at you but theres nothing wrong with being happy of getting an interview and in your case, again. I actually got an interview tomorrow...for Shaws supermarket...ha!

I think if I were you, just be yourself and show that your glad to be there. Don't be afraid to show who you are if it is obviously relevent to the job of course as well but hey, who am I to talk? Do your best and good luck because its definetely something you want and its a given that you are passionate about it! ;)
Congrats! Good luck to you. :-) I remember my interview... I was nervous but it was a breeze and I learned a couple of days later that I got the job. Be yourself, make sure they know you're willing to learn and all that. You'll be fine! Good luck.


P.S. FWIW, I had an easier time getting a full time slot than I'm having finding something PRN on the side. LOL
Good luck!

I hope I won't have too many problems finding a job when I get done with school. I'm only 18 and have only worked with UPS ... I dunno how that will look. But anyways, good luck!
I hate reapplying because...

what if my apps don't match perfectly?
Actually I'll be reapplying for a job this spring. Good luck to you!
You're really doing the work...keep it up!

You can show your enthusiasm for the position in the interview without coming across as a fool. Translate what you feel about the job into things you think you can contribute. Talk to them about that.

Also, be curious about what they're looking to make stronger in their organization, like "What do you want to see work better here?"

And sure, wear a dress to the interview, but make sure you have a bottle of beer in your pocket, and midway through, pop the top with your teeth and offer THEM the first swig!

You don't need luck; you've got hustle!