Torn fingernails: clean the area, dry with alcohol (let evaporate), then re-approximate the edges a closely as possible and cover with steristrips and superglue (cyanomethacrylate). Make sure rough ages are covered so no snagging. It will let you get on with things until you care to address it properly; I have seen it stick for up to two days. Also lets any superficial injury from the tear heal. Do not do this over infected sites or foreign objects.
Heel pull (overextension of achilles tendon with pain at distal insertion) or bruised heel: sit down, wash area (preferably cool water to allow maximum reduction of swelling). Using 1 inch strips of tape (duct, sports, or perforated clear medical tape), and with foot in relaxed position, starting at anterior edge of heel, run a strip from on side, under the sole of the heel, to the other, extend about 3 cm above edge of sole. Overlap and continue to the rear. Stop where you will start making a pinwheel of the tape, and just apply a strip or two long enough to go from where the tape struts on one side, back around the Achilles, and then up the other side the same distance, securing the tape ends. Surprising relief, especially with NSAIDS and rest when possible. Also addresses "driver's heel".
Asthma attack and no MDI: hot coffee, strong, and reassurance. Dark chocolate allegedly helps (theobromine, you know) but I never tried it.
To find and address a sliver: one drop of iodine or betadine on the site. It will tend to "wick" along a porous sliver, or differentially stain a non-porous one. Even if you still can't find it, the antiseptic will help address infection by wicking into the wound even if the sliver is gone or invisible. Cover with bandaid, re-address later.
Use tip of an 11 blade or better yet an eighteen or larger gauge hypo needle to chase and remove slivers.