
during the warm weather its motorcycles, kayaking, backpacking when I can make the time to go to MO, during the winter time it's hunting, snowmobiles, and one of my favorite hobbies is reading but for the past 2 years due to medic school I haven't got to do much of any of my hobbies. One more semester to go thank god lol.
fly tying / fly fishing
recreational and competitive shooting

that's about it, unless you count spending time with my family. Of which most of the above applies to doing it with them.
skiing, rock climbing, kayaking, camping, and SLEEPING!!!
I knit hats.

During the past year I knitted a bunch of hats, and sold them at a craft-fair. I sold all but 2 toddler sized hats. I also got a LOT of requests for adult sized 'critter' hats. Most of my requests are for monkeys. And it seems like every time I get one finished, I have another request or two added to the list. At the rate I knit, I'll be lucky to finish my current list of requests before winter is over. It takes anywhere from 3 days to a week to finish a hat, depending on the amount of free-time I have to work on them. And since I've had an invite to two different craft fairs for next fall because of the hats I had at fair earlier this month, I expect I'll be very busy knitting next year.

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I knit hats.

During the past year I knitted a bunch of hats, and sold them at a craft-fair. I sold all but 2 toddler sized hats. I also got a LOT of requests for adult sized 'critter' hats. Most of my requests are for monkeys. And it seems like every time I get one finished, I have another request or two added to the list. At the rate I knit, I'll be lucky to finish my current list of requests before winter is over. It takes anywhere from 3 days to a week to finish a hat, depending on the amount of free-time I have to work on them. And since I've had an invite to two different craft fairs for next fall because of the hats I had at fair earlier this month, I expect I'll be very busy knitting next year.

Now I know what Chimpie has been doing with his money. :rofl:
I play french horn...hopefully after all these years of etudes and music theory I'll be able to put it to use in a great ensemble...somewhere. :cool:
I knit hats.

During the past year I knitted a bunch of hats, and sold them at a craft-fair. I sold all but 2 toddler sized hats. I also got a LOT of requests for adult sized 'critter' hats. Most of my requests are for monkeys. And it seems like every time I get one finished, I have another request or two added to the list. At the rate I knit, I'll be lucky to finish my current list of requests before winter is over. It takes anywhere from 3 days to a week to finish a hat, depending on the amount of free-time I have to work on them. And since I've had an invite to two different craft fairs for next fall because of the hats I had at fair earlier this month, I expect I'll be very busy knitting next year.


Those are pretty cool!
Restoration and playing of vintage radios (Deco & WWII era)
Photography (Rural landscapes, old barns, etc)
Reading (anything EXCEPT chick-lit)
Writing (Have one book published and a few others in the processing queue)
I like to do this also, except mine is mainly paper at the local indoor range for fun/stress relief. Oh those poor paper birds...

Mine happen to be poor the Skeet and clay pidgeons. They never stand a chance.
Tried IDPA and cowboy action shooting...not my style.
Did a few three gun competitions...my knees can't hold out for too long at the speeds and movements needed.
Trap, Skeet and Sporting clays... that's my wheelhouse.
Started 1000 yd long range last year. That is getting to be a reallllly expensive hobby.