Hiring in Syria?


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Im a firefighter EMT-B I want to go to Syria and help at one of the refugee camps, do they have any paid jobs to help in medical
I am an employee of the SRCA, and I have been paid without difficulty, along with the rest of my co workers who have completed their processing.

I know there has been some difficulty with another contractor here, but I have had no difficulties with SRCA thus far.
I have airport firefighter firefighter 1 and 2 driver operator. emt-b, are they hiring and where
I've moved your posts to a new thread as the one you posted in was from 2010 and your question deserved its own thread.
Your training says you're a critical care paramedic... What is it?
well I'm a Emergency Medical Tech- Basic level, it is one level below a Paramedic, basically I have 12 years experience in emergency medical or on ambulances
I did the White House tour TWICE. Basically, I'm President....

:::face palm:::
well I'm a Emergency Medical Tech- Basic level, it is one level below a Paramedic, basically I have 12 years experience in emergency medical or on ambulances

So you're an EMT-Basic, not a critical care paramedic.
well I'm a Emergency Medical Tech- Basic level, it is one level below a Paramedic, basically I have 12 years experience in emergency medical or on ambulances
In some areas it's two levels below
yea transportjockey good point, I'm in Mississippi. they did away with emt-intermediate, and added emt-r which is responder, this redneck state is crazy, but yea I'm a basic, just got offered to go to Kwajalein as a airport firefighter -emt-b, so I might be going their, I scuba dive and surf so it might be a good experience, well i'm waiting on the final word, they have just verified my airport firefighter and driver operator and structural firefighter, it could be interesting, I would love to get my paramedic but I don't have the money and used up my government grant on a associate of arts degree, which is general studies,
So you're an EMT-Basic, not a critical care paramedic.
yea I have airport firefighter/driver operator fire apparatus and firefighter 1001-1-2 and emt-b, but I might be going to Kwajalein in marshal islands not sure yet, wonder what that would be like ?
Orange jumpsuits
what is that picture about is their a problem in Kwaj in the marshal islands I thought it would be a cool experience and if they call back I will go
what is that picture about is their a problem in Kwaj in the marshal islands I thought it would be a cool experience and if they call back I will go
The point was that your training said Critical Care Paramedic, which you most certainly aren't.
It is clear to me now.

Don't feed the troll.
a simple error which I fixed, I didn't even realize I made that mistake, it wasn't on purpose, well someone else could have brought it to my attention, but you people are *******s, I out