What are the top paying EMS services in NJ. I know UMDNJ is up there. Starting at about 18-19 an hour per-Diem and up to 20 for full time. Does anyone know any other services that rival that salary or top it?
Thank you.
Not sure about pay, but a fair number of first aid squads are hiring per diem EMTs to fill volunteer coverage gaps. PM me for a few Essex county area squads that are doing this.
UMDNJ does not pay full timers 20 when they start. 17.94 is their starting salary.
Elizabeth ASB used to pay the best in the state.
Monroe Twp EMS paid their full timers very well, per diems, not so much.
look around, make some phone calls, many of the higher paying jobs don't advertise on the web, or only have their jobs listed on their websites, and don't list salaries.