I think we're on the same page actually. Many medics have said that they've "saved" just as many heroin OD patients with a BVM and ET tube. I was just getting a bit worried you were totally avoiding the pt.
I gotta agree with this point - get their respiratory drive back, don't wake them up.
I've seen both versions in Philly... and boy, it makes it a lot easier if we get them into the ED and tied down before we go to wake them up...
Out in our nice, quiet area, where we really rarely saw OD's (until the Fentnyl came out) - it is really hit or miss. The medics who worked/rode in the city and remember what a PITA an OD is when you take their $20 high away, they just get them breathing... they might even tube them (becuase our medics NEVER get to tube).