Heroes among us


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
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It's that time of year again. Today is September 11th and around the country there will be much talk of honoring the heroes and remembering the victims that died that day. Some will pause briefly and perhaps think of where they were when they heard the news, but for many Americans tomorrow will pass as just another day. Maybe you'll see a few more flags out or see some politicians making speeches on TV in front of wreaths.

To those of us in emergency services today has a slightly more poignant feel to it. I wasn't in EMS yet on September 11, 2001 but as a flight attendant I like to think that I shared some of the same emotions that many of you felt on that day. Besides the anger and sadness that the public felt I also immediately realized that three crews of airline employees also died that day (it wasn't until the next day I learned that there were four). This professional link to the victims on 9-11 made me feel a special connection to the events that occurred that Tuesday morning. I'm sure many of you also thought immediately of the Fire, EMS, and Police that lost their lives that day for the same reason.

Tomorrow there will be a lot of talk about the heroes of 9-11. The fire fighters, medics and police that responded that day some of whom lost their lives will once again have a few moments of attention. Soon after the attention will falter and we will once again just be people doing our jobs. Let's face it even when we do something extraordinary we rarely get recognized for it and that's probably the way it should be. We signed up to do a job and most of us are happy to do it without fanfare. That said wouldn't it be nice to get a little pat on the back occasionally? Just a little extra gratitude when you go above and beyond.

That brings me to my point. It recently came to my attention that one of our own here at EMTLIFE stepped up when others stepped back and made a difference. We know him here as SSwain. His real name is Seth “Andy” Swain and a few weeks ago he was awarded the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's 'Traffic Safety Heroism Award' during the 38th annual Governor's Conference on Highway Safety.

Seth while off duty stopped on his way home to assist a police officer. The police officer was struggling with a woman who was attempting to jump off of a bridge. Because of the efforts of this police officer, Seth, and another heroic motorist they were able to prevent the woman from jumping over the edge. Seth then stayed with the women and helped keep her calm while waiting for the paramedics to arrive.

For his actions Seth was presented the award by WI State Patrol Superintendent Steve Fitzgerald. If you would like to read the entire story you can follow this link to one of the news articles describing what happened that day.


Please join me in giving Seth that much deserved pat on the back.

Big thanks to Seth for putting the shameless EMTLIFE plug in the photo with the award :)

Wisconsin State Patrol Superintendent Stephen Fitzgerald, center, presents Seth 'Andy' Swain, left, of Fond du Lac and Wisconsin State Patrol Sgt. Jeff Nelson with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's 'Traffic Safety Heroism Award'.

On this special day I want to personally thank Seth and all 18,000 EMTLIFE members for going out there and doing what you do. Though most of you won't be lucky enough to get a plaque like Seth, you all deserve one.

With many thanks for your dedication and service,
Michael Cook aka bigbaldguy
Proud EMTLIFE community leader
Proud Emt
Proud Flight attendant
Well done Mr. Swain! An internet pat on the back doesn't quite do your actions justice, but please accept my congratulations and thanks just the same.
Well done sir, well done. I'd buy you a beer but Wisconsin is a big state and I'm not sure where you are! :)
Wait a minute!

Our Buddy got an Award for taking the time to assist someone in need while Off Duty?

He wasn't working? He wasn't being paid? And stepping in to help a Cop!

Was he nuts? He coulda got SHOT! And then, he coulda got sued for interfering with the woman's right to determine her own destiny.

How strange that there are still people out there that consider such reckless behavior worthy of recognition.

Who's got it backwards?

Seth, thank you for using that opening to change a little piece of the world. Thank you for taking a risk so others can learn about trying, succeeding, and making a difference
Thanks Guys....

I was a little embarassed about this award.
I only did what I thought was the right thing to do. I didn't expect anything out of it.

I am sure most of you would have done the same thing given the circumstances.

Done good.
Congratulations! I hope that, someday, the woman realizes what a gift you gave her.