Here Today, Gone Tomorrow


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Was just sitting around chatting with some old salty EMS veterans about all the changes we've seen in treatment over the years.

Some of the things we did a few years agod would get us in mucho hot water today (or at least looked at awful funny)...

Some examples I could think of:
- Wide open IVs until the blood looked like cherry kool-aid.
- Bicarb. On everything ;)
- Lidocaine. I've heard stories of medics carrying that stuff like 6-shooters..."PVC! PVC! PVC!"
- CPR push, push there, blow here, no, don't blow etc...

Any other good ones out there? let's hear 'em
Chest tubes, Intercardiac Epi
Central lines.. I see more chest tubes than needle decompressions since they clot off.

Although still done, I see less and less responding back to the hospital with l/s.

Head up, head down, feet up, on side, supine, lt lat. recumbent, keep em warm, keep em cool..... when oh when will EMS quit learning!!!!!!
For FBAO, back slaps ok, back slaps not ok, back slaps ok, back slaps not ok, back slaps ok, back slaps not ok, back slaps.....em, do what works!
Are you implying that protocols are not graven in tungsten carbide?!

Generally, how to treat insect/arachanid/reptile bites has been pretty "ding-dong" over the decades.
Various types of bandages new to the market.
Tourniquets ("yes or no" versus length of time to definitive care).

There are some which need reconsideration such as the sacred and near-mythological twenty minute eyewash.

But the fondest are from my youth...pulling out arrows versus snapping the heads off and pushing them through, flint versus obsidian for trepanning to get those pesky evil spirits out to stop seizures, and whether or not to use bladderwort or willow bark on mastadon tusk gorings.

But the fondest are from my youth...pulling out arrows versus snapping the heads off and pushing them through, flint versus obsidian for trepanning to get those pesky evil spirits out to stop seizures, and whether or not to use bladderwort or willow bark on mastadon tusk gorings.

Silly man, everybody knows it's Wolf'sBane for tusk gorings:rolleyes:

Dang, a trauma doc I was talking to just last week started in on the tourniquet thing again. I've only been taught about them one way or the other for the past 20 years, but I've still not come upon a circumstance where I need to worry about it.
(Yes, I just cursed myself to dealing with three bad bleeds Tomorrow.)
How about these

-The original ACLS code alrgorithm: Two bicarbs and an epi first-always.
-Defibrillation with paddles
-You wore gloves only when delivering a baby
-The Johnny and Roy orange box bio-phones
-The original blue screen Lifepak 5. No sync/cardioversion or pacer.
-Reusable endotracheal tubes
-Left-handed laryngosocpe blades. The channel was on the other side so you would hold it in yourt left hand.