helpful ways to memorize?


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So I have read 10 chapters in this brady emergency book and I'm having a hard time recalling information, such as major arteries cardiovasciular system etc. I don't start basic until jan. 1. I usually highlight my notes then write them on the computer. Do you guys have any other ideas? Also I just bought a pocket referance book for my observation rides
The only way that works for me is writing it over and over and over and over and over.
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm gonna try the coloring book way. You color in the parts of the body I hope this helps me since I'm a visual learner
It depends on your style of learning really.

If you are a visual learner, try sitting down with a blank piece of paper, draw a heart on it, then start drawing and labeling the arteries starting there.

Keep going until you can't name one or can't remember where one goes or you miss one. Restudy that one, then begin again on a new paper.
I find what works for me is to read it/watch it/see it or whatever, write it down, say it out loud once or twice then maybe go over it with somebody else (study buddy) or if I know it well enough; teach somebody else!
make flashcards.

Also, use the online resources/CD that come with the book
Make a handwritten outline of each chapter. Now read it out loud. Record it. Listen to it. Test your self by writing outline again from memory.
As Brown pointed out, i feel i retain information best when given the opportunity to discuss it. Study groups are great, attempt to "teach" a study mate. if they ask you questions you can not answer, look them up. once you can explain an idea or a process to your study partner and they understand, chances are you have mastered the topic. Another student friend of mine will talk about what we have learned, and quiz each other before class, during break, etc. I think this greatly improves my understanding and retention of materials
So I have read 10 chapters in this brady emergency book and I'm having a hard time recalling information, such as major arteries cardiovasciular system etc. I don't start basic until jan. 1. I usually highlight my notes then write them on the computer. Do you guys have any other ideas? Also I just bought a pocket referance book for my observation rides

It depends on your style of learning really.

If you are a visual learner, try sitting down with a blank piece of paper, draw a heart on it, then start drawing and labeling the arteries starting there.

Keep going until you can't name one or can't remember where one goes or you miss one. Restudy that one, then begin again on a new paper.

My dad always told me, "If something doesn't work, do something different". Don't you just love engineers and their dry wit and unique outlook on life? With that said, if you're not getting it down that way, try another way. Try handwriting. Some people are tactile learners and the feel of a pen in your hand writing down the information may be what you need.

I'm more of a philosophical learner and an exposure/experience learner. What I mean by that is I need to understand why things are the way they are. I also need as much exposure to that information as I can get. For me that means I have to eat it, drink it, breathe it, live it to the point that it becomes second nature.

With these methods I end not "memorizing", but actually learning and understanding the information. The "why" is so much more important.
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I don't recall all the percentages but you will learn the most when you can say do and teach a subject. study it yourself and teach a buddy or just give a presentation to your toaster and you will retain it far easier.
I used to dribble my soccer ball around the house reciting out loud what I needed to remember. Ended up driving everyone in the house absolutely freaking insane, but I can still recite poetry from 12 years ago using that method, as well as EMS stuff that I needed to remember, like solid vs hollow organs.
When I needed to memorize SAMPLED, OPQRST, DCAPBTLS, and all those fun things, I made flash cards, and carried them everywhere. Whenever I had a few seconds I would take them out and go over it. I also found that writing it, and reading it out loud helped. Make a song. I did this when I was in grade school to help memorize stuff. I find I have to do stuff till I know it, then stop for a few hours doing something that has nothing to do with what im studying, and repeat it. I know it helps me to take that big break.

I think the coloring book sounds like a good idea to.
So I have read 10 chapters in this brady emergency book and I'm having a hard time recalling information, such as major arteries cardiovasciular system etc. I don't start basic until jan. 1. I usually highlight my notes then write them on the computer. Do you guys have any other ideas? Also I just bought a pocket referance book for my observation rides

10 chapters:excl:over how long? Take it one chapter at a time and pace yourself. 1st, you'll never learn everything the first time around. Pace yourself and just overview everything. You'lll be able to clarify everything you don't understand in class.