Help with fitness


Forum Ride Along
if you go through a gym it can get real pricey, but theres websites that you can base your WOD (workout of the day) on..


Forum Crew Member
The Crossfit ideology like most other methodics out there has its place in the training continuum if and only if it is utilized correctly. And1 (and anyone else starting over) PLEASE take the time to develop a strong base in cardiovascular conditioning and body mechanics with respect to whatever resistance program you chose to employ before taking on the work loads espoused by programs like Crossfit, Gym Jones (my personal preference), Fireground fitness or even the latest offering by Beach Body. All of those programs require a pre-existing moderately high level of fitness and knowledge to not only complete many of the sessions but to also be able to perform the movements in a bio-mechanically correct and efficient manner. Finishing a session without regard for the correct execution of the exercise is not only a waste of resources but will lead to injury. Additionally, trashing your system session after session with no real goal or direction that the training is supposed to lead to is not cutting edge or revolutionary or cool its just retarded. There is no shortcut magic pill or special exercise that magically changes the world. Train smart, train hard, recover well and DOMINATE.


Forum Crew Member
Wait a minute...didn't you do some exercise Q&A for EMS personnel awhile back? What were the results?

The survey turned out to be quite interesting on a number of issues:

1. Nearly everyone reported participating in some type of physical activity at least 2 times/week. Most were 3+

1a. The activity participated in ranged across the entire spectrum.

2. The BMI which I personally think is a horrid tool to assess ones fatness had >85% over weight and obese. This equates to BMIs over 30. Now obviously a great many of the respondents could have been straight up diesel hard-bodies (stop laughing) but I highly doubt it.

3. The injury rate of all the respondents was about 35% which is about what was expected and more than half had repeat injuries.

4. The range of injuries were primarily joint/back issues--shouldn't be a surprise.

I will see if I can dig up some of the graphs for it and post them up on the board.

The thing that I took from the survey was that people especially EMS peeps need to have a directed approach to exercise and nutrition. If the frequency of exercise/activity was accurate then the number of us teetering on obesity and a 30+% injury rate should be remarkably lower than what was reported. Once again assuming the reporting was accurate, there is definitely a big disconnect in reaping the benefits of a reasonably healthy lifestyle.


Forum Probie
Agreed. Popping NSAIDs to mask pain and exercise induced inflammation isn't exactly the brightest move in terms of long term health. This is especially true with shin splints as it can develop into something very nasty if left unchecked but is entirely within your scope to fix if addressed early and appropriately. Get to the root of the problem don't just treat the symptoms.

I'm not saying I do it all the time. There were one or two times where
I was out of shape and pain was going to be the deciding factor if I passed or failed. I never use analgesics when training and I don't recommend doing so. Like you said, you don't want to mask pain especially when correlated with shin splints, heel spurs or muscle strain/tear.


Community Leader Emeritus
It's not only that masking the pain can hide a bigger problem, it is that high doses of Ibuprofen can also cause serious kidney damage. Especially when used long term. Sometimes the damage isn't permanent, but there are people on dialysis because they overused/overdosed on ibuprofen.


Forum Probie
Also, I came across this guy a while ago... his ipod "treadmill trainer" tapes are great!!!

You can get Vol 1 on iTunes for 9.99, the rest you have to buy on his website. Well worth the money to me. He follows interval training, with helpful tips and stuff along the way.

Highly, highly recommended. His accent is fun to listen to as well :p

I'm not affiliated with him at all, just a very happy customer.