Help Needed...badly..NREMT exam

I used the emt achieve study guide to pass. One piece of advice i can give you is that memorization will only get you so far, you really need to know this stuff or once you actually get on a truck the real emt's will eat you alive. Good luck on your third try!
I just passed my test on Thursday man, and I still dont know how I didnt fail it. The one thing i leaned on was my ABCs. Dont over analyze a question, take it for what it is. For example, I got a question telling me that you are enroute to a shooting, police are on scene, what should you do? Dont assume the scene is safe just because the police are on scene. KEEP IT SIMPLE
First of all, study using your textbook/workbook. Some study sites provide grossly wrong information.

Secondly, while testing remember BSI/SS and your ABC's. After that pay attention to the vital signs given (know the normal ranges).

Also, remember If the question didn't state it, it didn't happen. Try not to over think things.

Finally, study, study, study, get a good night's sleep, and eat breakfast/lunch before testing.

Good Luck! ^_^