Help Me Out People. Please


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For all of you that have interviewed others..

What are you looking for when you ask the following two questions:

1. Why do you want to be an EMT?

2. Where do you want to be in 5 years?

I have a decent answer for #2, but the first one is killing me. I really have no problem making myself sound like a moron, so I want to avoid that. So tell me what kinds of things you look for from the person your interviewing. Maybe I can make them both better.
Is it one of those times where you cant just say "Because I want to help people?"...In my Paramedic Class interview, when they asked why I wanted to be a Paramedic, I said because I wanted to do more than I could as an EMT, and apparently it was a good enough response...
According to their Medical Director (who is also a DR in our ER) and one of the FTO's they want something better than the because I want to help people answer. but so far none will get specific about what they want.

The MD keeps telling to to stop sweating it, he just "has a feeling" I will do fine. He doesn't do the hiring. Its a GROUP! interview.

Crap..I have enough trouble not looking like an idiot in an interview with one I have a group to make a fool of myself in front of.
Damn, you sure are hard on yourself EMTPrincess....

Just ask yourself why you want to work for them? There has to be a reason other than the basic "helping others" deal. I dont have any experience interviewing others, but Im sure others who have can agree that its easy to see when someone isnt being themselves...
One of the things to do is research the company you're applying for, or if it's for a hosipital, research the EMS department. When it comes to the interview throw facts about their department back at them so it shows that you did your research. It will make it appear that you didn't just fill out 20 applications and will talk to whomever calls.
yes VIN, I am terrible to myself. Its because I know what happens to me when I get too nervous. I either get all tounge tied and cannot speak, OR I throw up. Neither would be a good start to an interview....although puking could be an unique ice breaker. :thinking:

Ok, some other things they will ask is, Show them how to operate each piece of equipment on their rigs. SO, I am going to get together with one of the EMT's before then and go over everything.
Use the word "edification". You will get a decent response if you say that you need the edification, that what you are currently doing just does not go far enough to satisfy you personally, that you need to work in a demanding environment that challenges you and gives you obstcales to overcome to become truly satisfied that your training and work ethic is being used to its full potential. You know- crap.
Always be honest with the interviewers. If they ask you a question and you truely do not know the answer, feel free to say you dont know... no one is wanting to hire a know it all, after all once we do know it all its time to get off the streets before we hurt someone. Also, most services only expect you to know how to work the equipment oriented to you cert level; they cannot expect a basic to know how to hang a dopamine drip or do a needle decompression or the proper drugs and dosages for RSI. Also, before you go to your interview, do something fun and relaxing. Before my last interview I worked all night, and needless to say I was not worried about my interview. They will want to know what you have to offer and what you bring to their service. They will want to know how hiring you will make the service a better place to work and how you will help improve patient care. And lastly, if the interviewers give you a chance to ask them questions, ask them why they chose this field and this service...most places want you to becoem more educated about them, and the interviewers will be happy to answer these questions. Its sorta an unwritten interview rule, if you dont ask them anything they will think you are uninterested in them, and that can hurt your refrain from negativity about anywhere else you may have worked...always try to think of the positives.
Well I hope that helps.
heh I remember getting asked "Where do you see yourself in 10 years" and I stated "As the Manager of a McDonalds... for some reason I got the job....
Yes, well, if you say that in 10 yrs you will be the EMS director I hope you have a plan for getting the BA/BS that you will need as well as a plan on how you will get the required superviosry experience. In 10 yrs I see myself as a Asst Supervisor or Supervisor, but more like 15 yrs for director. After all, I want to have a BS in emergency services management from Maryland's Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute(MFRI), and a BA in municipal administration from Wisconsin or Texas A&M's College of Fire Sciences.

For now I will settle for FTO and student preceptor roles, and the FTO is like a $9000/yr raise, so hey I can take the baby steps, and take my time getting my degrees; if I understood the director right the service will PAY for me to get my degree and pay my regular salary too while Im in class on days I am supposed to work...more info on that to come.
I have done a few interviews in my time and I've always liked it when someone spoke of bettering themselves. Example:

Why do you want to be an EMT?

Throughout highschool I was fascinated with medicine, so in an effort to better myself and start down a career path I chose to become an EMT.

Hope that helps... and good luck!:D
richmedic1918 said:
I have done a few interviews in my time and I've always liked it when someone spoke of bettering themselves. Example:

Why do you want to be an EMT?

Throughout highschool I was fascinated with medicine, so in an effort to better myself and start down a career path I chose to become an EMT.

Hope that helps... and good luck!:D

Rich is right on the money here...many years ago I interviewed newbies at our rescue squad(mind you this is 10 yrs ago) and I always was happy to hear someone say they wanted to advance themselves and better the community through learning and career advancment. Employers love to hire lifers(which seems to be where I am headed...I cant leave this wonderfully dysfunctional county I live/work in).
Thanks you guys! Its funny, I have interviewed before, but interviewing for "just a job" vs. a job you really want to do is a lot different.

Now all I have to do is remember to breath and not puke.
Break a leg! Just dont literally do it, makes for bad PR to get hired and then break something.
I would hope that the reasons you decided to become an EMT and go through school etc. would be good enough a reason to give. Unless of course it was just something to do to get paid...
Hehe, yeah we are all in it for the money right?:sarcastic: Yall are full of very positive advice and I did not read one that was better than another, any and all of the above will help you through it. Good luck and... "get er done" ; )
Do they put you through scenario's? I have heard of that, almost like state practicals but less verbalization.
coloradoemt said:
I would hope that the reasons you decided to become an EMT and go through school etc. would be good enough a reason to give. Unless of course it was just something to do to get paid...

I'm sure they are, but when interviewing you don't want to sound like everyone else. A few tips can't hurt.

Princess, Good luck!!! I'm sure you'll do great and let us know how it went :shades_smile:

You will do fine. I went to EMT class because my high school nursing class was boring. As I soon found out, EMS was not.

For asking where do you want to be in how ever many years - I said "your job looks pretty good". Damned if they didn't hire me! Must have worked. Feel free to use that one.

Best of Luck.