

Forum Probie
Greetings all,

I've been lurking here for a few weeks and I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you how much I've enjoyed your discussions. My name is Matthew Sherman, I'm 40 years old and have decided to make a career change into EMS. I purchased the AAOS EMT-B book in anticipation of taking a particular class, but my kooky job schedule is preventing me from attending _any_ EMT-B class until fall of this year at the earliest. It's crazy. With a schedule of two days on and two days off, I have boatloads of free time, but no two weeks are alike which puts the kabosh on any schooling. I may have to look for another job in order to take classes. Don't have it all figured out yet, but my wife is onboard with me to make this happen, so my plans are to study the book as if I were taking a class and absorb as much A&P as possible. Then, when I am able to take a class I'll already be familiar with the core material. Wish I could get into class quicker, but being the sole provider for my family, I have to make this transition with a certain amount of caution. :unsure:

I'm very pleased to find that even though I'm only 9 chapters into the AAOS book, I can make out a lot of what you all are talking about. The terminology, jargon, and acronyms used here in this forum are right there in the text, which I find very comforting. I'm finding the book to be absolutely gripping (even though I'm not a big reader). But then, I am an obsessive compulsive. Studying to be an EMT will be the one time in my life that my compulsion might actually benefit me. :excl:

Once again, I really have enjoyed reading your posts. I've been learning from the questions and advice given here; exposing me to things that probably would not have occured to me, and questions I may not have asked otherwise. Y'all seem like a decent bunch! I look forward to yapping with you. ^_^



Forum Deputy Chief
Welcome to the tribe! :)


Forum Deputy Chief
Welcome! Once you get into your EMT class you'll probably find loads of other people like you. Most of the people in my class have a family, are over 30, and are making a career change. There's a good chance that many of the students in your class will be in a similar place in their lives, which you'll probably find reassuring.

Way to go on reading ahead. Don't limit your studies to the textbook... there are a myriad of resources available online. The website for your textbook is good, and you may also enjoy the website for my textbook.

You're right about the OCD potentially being a benefit to you. It requires a degree of OCD to maintain the standards necessary to practice in the health care field... with all the cleaning, order, detail-orientation, nitpicking, and comprehensive documentation.

Anyways... welcome and good luck with whatever lies ahead.


Forum Probie

Thanks for your thoughts. :) I went ahead and got the AAOS book because of the website and DVD material. I hadn't seen the Brady book website, so thanks for the link. I like how you can take all these little quizzes online. Very convenient. Keeps the mind in touch with the material.

I saw another book, something like, "A&P for the EMT" that I'm planning to get for more exposure to A&P. It's like 460+ pages. Gotta be more immersive than the single chapter in my EMT-B book!

Thanks again!



Lady Enjoynz
Welcome and good on you!

I rejoined the ambulance service last year (aged 44) as a volunteer, after a 15 year break. I've had to re-train, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.
If it's what you want to do, it will all work out in the end!
Good Luck!

Cheers Enjoynz


Forum Probie
Enjoy NZ is right! :excl: Did the honeymoon there many moons ago. Two weeks in Australia and a week in NZ. :) Hit Aukland, Rotorua, Christchurch, and Queenstown. Milford Sound blew me away. Four hours in on a cramped motorcoach to MS (through gorgeous sub-tropical rainforests I might add), then flew out on a chopper with a quick stop on top of a glacier to throw snow balls, and we were back at the hotel before the rest of the tour were back on the bus. What a beautiful country. We bungied, did a jet boat, Maori villages, and saw all the sheep. Saw a stream with water so clear, the trout looked like they were literally suspended in the air a few inches above a bed of gravel. Even the dirt and gravel in the bed of the stream looked pristine. An unforgettable visit to be sure. Never seen so much green. Never seen so many sheep! ;) A wardrobe full of wool sweaters and socks must be like a Kiwi birthright.



Forum Captain
welcome and good luck!

hard work and studies... you will get what you want!

i became an EMT at 41! no worries!
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Lady Enjoynz
Enjoy NZ is right! :excl: Did the honeymoon there many moons ago. Two weeks in Australia and a week in NZ. :) Hit Aukland, Rotorua, Christchurch, and Queenstown. Milford Sound blew me away. Four hours in on a cramped motorcoach to MS (through gorgeous sub-tropical rainforests I might add), then flew out on a chopper with a quick stop on top of a glacier to throw snow balls, and we were back at the hotel before the rest of the tour were back on the bus. What a beautiful country. We bungied, did a jet boat, Maori villages, and saw all the sheep. Saw a stream with water so clear, the trout looked like they were literally suspended in the air a few inches above a bed of gravel. Even the dirt and gravel in the bed of the stream looked pristine. An unforgettable visit to be sure. Never seen so much green. Never seen so many sheep! ;) A wardrobe full of wool sweaters and socks must be like a Kiwi birthright.


I'm glad you got to see and enjoy our neck of the woods! We are pretty proud of our wee country. I'm not surprised you saw a few sheep, there are over 300 million of them here (we have one of them in our backyard), lol.

Cheers Enjoynz


Community Leader Emeritus
I'm glad you've found this resource to accelerate your learning curve!

Good luck!