Hello! New Member here.


Forum Ride Along
Hello everyone! My name is Edwin, and I decided to join EMTLife.com and introduce myself.


I am not an EMT. I'm not even in school for it yet. A short side-story: I haven't gone to school yet because I have a condition called Scoliosis.

I'm sure most of you know what it is, if not; my spine is not straight and I have a curve of around 70%. I have already had a number of doctor visits and x-rays, and I have decided to have the spinal fusion surgery done sometime later this year.

I've consulted with a few people involved with EMT (one even has scoliosis), pertaining to joining, and some of the advice given was of course consult with my doctor, and I was also told it would make more sense to get the surgery done and recover first, with strengthening my legs and back.

Anyway; after it's all said and done I would like to go to school and hopefully become an EMT/Paramedic. I have always loved to help people, and I would like be involved in a career with an active environment.

Finally, I would also like to ask a question. What would you recommend me to do while I bide my time? I'm making a habit of reading what I can off this site. I think reading EMT books and keeping myself in-shape should help of course.

Any study material you recommend?

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read! And thank you in advance for any help.


aspiring needlefairy
Welcome to the board! And the textbook will be all you need :D


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
If you won't be able to start for a while, consider taking some undergrad classes, especially some sciences. Best of luck.


Forum Probie
Knock our your CPR cert. Department of Health Services fingerprint card. There might be some courses at your local college that are pre-requisites or co-requisites to your EMT and Paramedic programs that could get you a head start. If you want to go the extra mile and get your associates in paramedecine take a look at the program's checklist and see how many of the classes you can take early, many schools even offer some of them (like hazmat) online. There are also some really great podcasts out there. One of my favorites can be downloaded right from iTunesU. It's called the "EMS Lecture Series" and is put out by Albany Medical Center. They have their ER residents do hour long lectures on very specific topics to EMS providers.

Hope this helps, best of luck and welcome to the boards!
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