Having trouble taking blood pressure?


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I know how to take a manual blood pressure but sometimes when I squeeze the bulb it doesn't pump up the cuff and it sounds like air is hissing from the bulb. As crazy as it sounds I think it may be the direction I am holding the bulb & valve? Anyone else have this problem?
If you hear air hissing out then the valve may not be fully closed or the valve may be broken.
This sounds like there might be an issue with the sphygmomanometer itself. Have you tried using a different one?
Is it possible both cuffs are broken? Are you using a classroom set or old ones? You are turning the knob to the right and left controlling whether air escapes or not, right? You turn it all the way to the right until it stops to prevent the air leaking and slowly turning it left to let it deflate slowly.
I used to put the diaphragm up to my ear and the ear tips under the sphygmomanometer. It would really screw up my vitals.
I know how to take a manual blood pressure but sometimes when I squeeze the bulb it doesn't pump up the cuff and it sounds like air is hissing from the bulb. As crazy as it sounds I think it may be the direction I am holding the bulb & valve? Anyone else have this problem?
Make sure the deflate valve is closed. When it is open, it will hiss every time you attempt to inflate the cuff. If everyone else is making the cuff work as it is supposed to, generally the problem lies with the operator. If you're looking at the knob you turn to deflate the cuff straight on so that it looks like a circle, you rotate the knob clockwise to close it and counter-clockwise to open it and control the rate at which air pressure is let out of the cuff. This probably sounds basic, and it is. Once you wrap your mind around how to operate the equipment you have learn to use, then you can concentrate on learning the rest of the assessment stuff. Where I work, if there's some piece of equipment that I'm not familiar with, I ask for help in proper use of that equipment.
Make sure there is not a cut in the cuff, air could be leaking from there if your valve is closed.