Forum Probie
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To start I got my EMT license about 6 months ago, actually I got them officially In July after I passed my state exam(Here In Chicago National Registry Is not required). In doing so I have applied for I think about 7 private companies(Elite,ATI,Lifeline,ER,Vandenburg, and some other places that I can't remember). I have no clue why I haven't been called for a position, I have no felonies, no criminal history of any kind, I'm clean as a drop, and I also finished In my EMT course with an 87% and got an 85% on my state exam. During this long lay off I have tried to review every day because I know I've lost memories about a lot of things I learned In that short EMT course, I also during this period try to choke myself Into remembering every single thing but I just become so miserable and stop reviewing because I get bored and say to myself that I should know this material. During this time I've also become very depressed, being an EMT/Medic Is something I've always wanted to do my entire life, just the responsibility of having a patients life in my hands and finding the right course of action through assessment to treat a patient Is just so exciting to me. This Is what brought me to ems and Is why I have so much respect for current and past EMTs/Medics because they're at the forefront of a patient going through a crisis. Although this Is something I'd love to do, It's also something I've questioned I wanted to do lately due to the fact that I'm very anti-social and the long lay off not doing anything, and just forgetting all of the things I learned In that course. Some days I think to myself that I won't be able to know what I'm doing even If I do get a job due to this long lay off. My life Is very frustrating right now, I'm not sure what to do. Also wanted to ask do you Immediately have to drive an ambulance when you start working as an EMT or is their some kind of driving course you have to take? What do private EMTs do, I've heard they just essentially take vitals and transport patients to appointments/Dialysis Is this true? Thanks In advance for all replies.