It is incredible to me how you make such judgments upon someone you have never met, and then base it on speculation and a complete lack of topic relevance. I do advocate AMERICANS, I AM ONE!!! Everyday I speak out against he injustices dealt to our own people; the poverty, then financial turmoil, etc. I am a lifetime member of the NRA, I support the Tea Party, I have spent 14 years volunteering on multiple agencies, I have volunteered at a number of drives and other functions, and I work hard to raise awareness of veterans affairs and American ideals and needs. I grew up in a corrupt foster care system, I spent four years the Marine Corps, and I know what is is to be poor. I write my Congressman and Senators often. I have protested the misdeeds and injustices here in the US. You don't have a clue who you are talking about, and therefore I find you presumptuous and judgmental to the point of arrogance.
Good. I'm glad you aren't a hypocrite of that level. It's something that is very common to hear though, so I had to check. I think though, that on this topic, you are letting your emotions get the better of you.
As far as Haiti is concerned, I believe a person, or a nation, is only as good as its word. When you promise something and then refuse to deliver you are a liar, and I have a zero tolerance policy for liars. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU MAKE SUCH ACCUSATORY STATMENTS!!! If we are going to help, then lets help the best ways we can, and if not then don't tell these people we are. I have dedicated my life to the needs of others, and although now I am married ad have 2 children my time is not as it once was, AI still do what I can without sacrificing my family.
The US is helping. There was a fairly extensive military mobilization, plus sending the standard USAR teams, Red Cross personnel and money/humanitarian supplies. Plus all the normal private groups that work in these situations. I'll keep saying it until you understand it: what is being done is what can be. What you want and what can be done are 2 separate things, and there is a huge number of things to be considered in determining what can be done. Leave your emotions at the door.
As too who will pay for it, hmmm lets see.....maybe the wealthy bankers and the auto industry can; after all they have been screwing us for years. It was our money who bailed them out because of their stupidity and ultimately their irresponsibility. How about the politicians who have taken our money for years and pocketed it, or gave it to special interest groups who have destroyed what America once was.
It has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with greed. I am all about helping Americans. I am against helping people who refuse to help themselves.
So you are a bit of a hypocrite then. Oh well, not a complete one anyway.
Open your eyes, or are you too enveloped in your hypocrisy to see you might be incorrect in your own prejudgments and biases?