Has anybody seen the new Burger King commercial?


Dances with Patients
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I can't find a link to it anywhere, but it was a female medic sitting on the back bumper of an ambulance singing about how great the breakfast sandwich is, and then her partner finishing the song and shutting the door to the back of the truck, revealing a man immobilized to a backboard, leaned against a light pole saying something like, "OK, *now* can you take me to the hospital?"

<slaps forehead>

I hate commercials like this. In searching for the thing on youtube, I found that many, many of BKs commercials turn out to piss off some group of people, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Well good, aside from the crappy food that is not even remotely healthy for you, I have another reason to boycott BK. I haven't seen it but I'm always looking to strengthen my argument to stay out of those nasty places.

Was it a fat medic? I bet that sandwich has half the recommended caloric intake for a regular sized female, and probably twice the recommended fat.
Well good, aside from the crappy food that is not even remotely healthy for you, I have another reason to boycott BK. I haven't seen it but I'm always looking to strengthen my argument to stay out of those nasty places.

Was it a fat medic? I bet that sandwich has half the recommended caloric intake for a regular sized female, and probably twice the recommended fat.

They both appeared physically fit.
It doesn't offend me. They poke fun at all kinds of people, like the post officer.
Not from a food standpoint, but a business stand point: Isnt BK late in the game interms of breakfast? lol I know Wendys wont even touch the subject and Micky D's seems to have the monopoly to the breakfast fast food lol
Incorrect, some wendys do breakfast but not all. There is one around here that does but the rest dont.
Burger King has been serving breakfast for years. When they recently started doing these commercials about "now serving breakfast", I couldn't (and still can't) figure out why they're making it seem like it's something new. I used to like to get the Bacon Egg & Cheese Croissan'Wich. In fact, the Croissan'Wich was introduced in 1983; I can't quickly tell if that's when BK started breakfast at all, or if they'd already been doing it prior to then. So that's at least 27 years that BK has been doing breakfast.

As for the commercials...I don't find this one insulting at all. They're trying to be amusing, not insulting. I don't think they particularly succeeded at being funny, mind you. In terms of deciding whether or not I'm feeling insulted, I give a lot of leeway if I think the potential offender was just trying to be funny, not seriously trying to be insulting.
I hope no one who is against this commercial laughs whenever a commercial lampoons any trade or profession.
The only thing I find offensive about the commercials is the sheer stupidity of the jingle... and also how disgusting the food looks!
I don't think it's Burger King you have to worry about dragging your profession into disrepute.
The only thing I find offensive about the commercials is the sheer stupidity of the jingle... and also how disgusting the food looks!

I agree with the first half of your statement, but not the second half...and I have the fat *** to prove it. :blush:
It seems the more BK does more commercials the more stupid they get. I looked at the one's that were on the links on this thread; now they had a funny part to them, but over all they were just stupid. BK is just trying to attract whoever they can to eat at their fast food joints because of the financial problems they are currently facing. This is just my opinion though.