Hall Ambulance Paramedic Interview


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I have an interview for a medic spot with Hall Ambulance in Kern County soon. I was wondering if there is anything I need to know/do/say for this interview. Any information is greatly appreciated.

I have only read great things about this company and am looking forward to hopefully working for them. The protocols for the county look very fun too. Thanks again and have a good one.
Wear a suit and tie, be clean shaven, and don't have your sunglasses on top of your head inside the waiting room lol
No matter what you don't want to be a firefighter. Telling them you want to go fire will kill your chances.
Biggest piece of advice right there ^ and yes they want career employees because they invest a lot of time and money onto each new hire and to the company. There is lots of threads of this so just Google hall ambulance or Kern county to get some info. As for questions. Regular interview ones like why you want to work here, why are you a medic, some situation questions etc