GW Contract in Kuwait

From Blue Tower with Love!

Regardless of whatever name they go by (CSA, CHS, ITT or G.W) it still is a substandard contract making substandard pay for the region that you are working in. I did twice the amount of work the firefighters did, and make half the pay. Next time I’ll go back as a firefighter, sit in my recliner all day, watch AFN and :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about EMS ad nauseum but I digress.
Before you sign an F.S.A. (Foreign Service agreement) with any company you had better do your research, when I started CHS was new to the contracting world and you couldn’t find anything on the internet, however due to unethical behavior word spread quickly and all the whacker sites had postings about the lies, working conditions, more lies and warnings to do your homework blah, blah, blah. Surprisingly people didn’t take the initiative and they found themselves living at Blue Tower with no food, no water and no toilet paper wondering why they are taking orders from unqualified managers and incompetent “Tech Monitors.” Long live Boomer!
Regardless of whatever name they go by (CSA, CHS, ITT or G.W) it still is a substandard contract making substandard pay for the region that you are working in. I did twice the amount of work the firefighters did, and make half the pay. Next time I’ll go back as a firefighter, sit in my recliner all day, watch AFN and :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about EMS ad nauseum but I digress.
Before you sign an F.S.A. (Foreign Service agreement) with any company you had better do your research, when I started CHS was new to the contracting world and you couldn’t find anything on the internet, however due to unethical behavior word spread quickly and all the whacker sites had postings about the lies, working conditions, more lies and warnings to do your homework blah, blah, blah. Surprisingly people didn’t take the initiative and they found themselves living at Blue Tower with no food, no water and no toilet paper wondering why they are taking orders from unqualified managers and incompetent “Tech Monitors.” Long live Boomer!

My apartment had Flooded too many times for me to count. I hate Blue! haha. YES! LONG LIVE BOOMER!!! hahaha Good :censored::censored::censored::censored:.
Any more updates on this? I still see ads on Just wondering if anyone has gotten an offer or on the ground.
recently contacted by a recruiter for this job. doesn't sound as lucrative as it should be. any other input as far as compensation, benefits (not health insurance and 401k obviously) any good input?
I just applied with GW, is 70 grand all you make in a year contract????? I thought all the stuff over in the sandbox was like 100 grand a year and up??????? Guess I could have been told wrong, any informative factual stuff would be mighty appreciated.

I received a call from GW yesterday faxed over my Certs. Today they already forward me another application. I have to do a background check. They said I should be getting me job offer in a couple days. The things that were complaints on here wouldn't be a problem. I served in Iraq in 2003 with no showers, MRE's and bottled water. Hopefully they have the bottled water. I took plenty of showers in brown water. I'll see in a couple days what they are offering.
I just applied with GW, is 70 grand all you make in a year contract????? I thought all the stuff over in the sandbox was like 100 grand a year and up??????? Guess I could have been told wrong, any informative factual stuff would be mighty appreciated.

There is a sand box and there is a war zone.

Kuwait is a sand box...with everything you could want at your fingertips. Why would they pay you hardship or danger pay for essentially working in another city? There is no war, there are no people trying to kill you other than the bad drivers.

Drag you butt to Afghan or Iraq and then you get the higher pay.
LOL thanks man. I just figured it would pay a little more since it is overseas. Didn't mean to offend anyone.
I just applied with GW, is 70 grand all you make in a year contract????? I thought all the stuff over in the sandbox was like 100 grand a year and up??????? Guess I could have been told wrong, any informative factual stuff would be mighty appreciated.

LOL thanks man. I just figured it would pay a little more since it is overseas. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

They dont have to pay more cause people keep taking the job.

Even with what they pay it still is not that bad of a gig if you are single...cause then you just stay out of USA 330 days and get the tax exemption.

If you have a family and are considering this job, the time away from them (in my opinion) is not worth it as you can make same amounts with some overtime in the USA and still sleep in your own bed and see your kids on occasion.
Any more updated info? I too have heard back from GWU. I am a Nationaly Registered Paramedic looking at overseas contract work. I was told $35 per hour and OT is 1.25 not 1.5. Are the apartments that GWU is placing its staff really that bad? Also, is OT offered alot, or not at all? I am also looking at jobs on Afghanistan as well, but GWU is my first offer yet.
I'm just waiting for ITT to get my security clearance and my contract in the mail. I'll let everyone know how ITT/GWU is when I get over there.

Please do Flightmed, old posts does not reflect changes and may be either worst or better. Be safe.
I know CHS got the State dept contract for Iraq as the DoD is booking end of year. The previous dealings with CHS that some have posted here are interesting. CHS is making folks go thru the OPM site for vetting /security clearance etc... The only problem I had was they want you to do all this pre hire crap without offering a written tenative offer . I got to have some buy in plus it aint lookin good in Iraq. I'll stay a bit off and peek in on what shakes just now before comitting over there again. Anyway, the folks I dealt with at CHS recently were ok if not completely candid. Don't now about the GW crowd. KWT is a crap hole for sure. Good luck all!

Has anyone completed GWU's process? If so, what does phase 3 consist of and how long does it take? How long before I am actually deployed now?
Around Kuwait

I read a lot of forums and rarely comment on them, but I feel compelled to comment here. I have been working in Kuwait for 8 years now and have also worked in Iraq, Afghanistan and Djibouti. I have also worked in South America in countries such as Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil. Having said that your first rule as an Expat should be to always remember that you are NOT in the United States anymore, all bets are off and any preconceived notions of American life should be left behind. The government systems of different countries are so very much different, so better to set your expectations low and be impress and to have them high and get let down.

Every portion of your contract should be examined is Food, Lodging, is travel included? Is there any end of contract bonus? What are the terms? If you’re terminated is the employer responsible for getting your back to your point of origin or are you on your own? Is your contract based of US law or the law of the host nation? In Kuwait OT is measured in three different ways 1.23, 1.5 and 2.0 ie. Regular working on your official day of rest and working on holidays.

Expat life is what you make of it. I have used my time here as spring board to visit other countries of the world. So when expat life gets me down I often think of the great times I had in Asia, Europe and Africa, and then I start planning my next adventure. There is a lot information out there and there is also misinformation. Do your own homework and choose the job that is best for you.