Guy shows off his amputated foot


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Me and my partner are just shaking our head at this, but as I think about it, people do this stuff all the time with other things like tonsils and stuff.... Why not a foot?

We are both learning Anatomy. We were thinking about why the surgeons didn't try cutting the posterior roots of where it branches off the spinal cord that affects that portion of the leg/foot (cut the posterior roots of L3-S2?) - no more sensory from the ankle to the knee. He was thinking maybe it had other complications like infection.

He's definitely gonna have the best decoration for his house on Halloween. :)
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Oh that is just bizarre. I can't believe a doctor would actually let him take that home! Is that common practice? Eeesh.
There are cultures where being buried intact is very important. I remember reading about a situation where a patient had a appendectomy and they lost it. Raised quite the stink as I remember. I don't think they can prevent you from having your peices if you really want em.
Well, it looks like he has a leg up on the situation.

That's one way to be able to touch your toes.
That's pretty cool, actually. Can't figure how he'll make any use of it, but, still cool.